Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Volume 41 Issue 4


An International Journal

Table of contents

Definitions of work-life balance in childfree dual-career couples: an inductive typology

Galina Boiarintseva, Souha R. Ezzedeen, Christa Wilkin

Work-life balance experiences of dual-career professional couples with children have received considerable attention, but there remains a paucity of research on the definitions of…


Relating supervisor interpersonal emotion management- and task-oriented leadership to adaptive performance: a moderated-mediation model incorporating trust and gender

Gary A. Adams, Jennica R. Webster

The authors incorporated leadership and gender theories with research on trust to propose a model relating interpersonal emotion management (IEM, a type of relational leadership…


Developing and testing a framework for understanding refugees' job search processes

Harrison C.D. Boss, Clara S. Lee, Joshua S. Bourdage, Leah K. Hamilton

This article outlines the development of the Refugee Job Search Process Framework (RJSPF), which was created to help identify barriers that refugees face when trying to find…


The impact of gender inequality in education and employment on economic performance in Turkey: evidence from a cointegration approach

Ömer Esen, Gamze Yıldız Seren

This study aims to empirically examine the impact of gender-based inequalities in both education and employment on economic performance using the dataset of Turkey for the period…


Contributions and challenges of voluntary organizations towards the integration of refugees into the job market

Pablo Marlon Medeiros da Silva, Walid Abbas El-Aouar, Thaís Teles Firmino, Juliana Carvalho de Sousa, Wesley Vieira da Silva

This study aims to understand the contributions and challenges of voluntary organizations towards the integration of refugees into the job market.


Untangling the role of CEOs' political ideology in the provision and inclusiveness of work–family policies: a multi-level conceptual model

Dorothea Roumpi

Acknowledging the importance of work–family practices that extend beyond what is legally mandated and that cover the needs of a diverse workforce, this paper offers a conceptual…


Institutional ethnoracial discrimination and microaggressions among a diverse sample of undergraduates at a minority-serving university: a gendered racism approach

Florence Lui, Deidre M. Anglin

Ethnoracial minorities report a variety of discriminatory experiences due to systemic racism. Yet, few studies have examined whether gender and race/ethnicity interact to predict…


Doing and undoing gender: women professionals' persistence in technology occupations

Samina M. Saifuddin, Lorraine Dyke, Md. Sajjad Hossain

This study aims to identify women professionals' strategies to persist in the male-dominated technology industry situated in the Bangladeshi socio-cultural context.

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  • Prof Eddy Ng