Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Volume 40 Issue 7


An International Journal

Table of contents - Special Issue: Progresses, Setbacks and New Challenges - Part 1

Guest Editors: Tania Saba, Mustafa Ozbilgin, Eddy Ng, Gaëlle Cachat-Rosset

Changing the narrative: shaping legislation to advance diversity on boards in Canada

Wendy Cukier, Suzanne Gagnon, Ruby Latif

This paper examines actors and discourses shaping new Canadian legislation designed to advance diversity in corporate governance.


Strangers in a seemingly open-to-all website: the gender bias in Wikipedia

Shlomit Aharoni Lir

Throughout the years, many scholarly answers were given to the question regarding the gender bias in Wikipedia. However, the research literature seldom explores how different…


Successful ascent of female leaders in the pharmaceutical industry: a qualitative, transcendental, and phenomenological study

Dawn Adams–Harmon, Nancy Greer–Williams

This research studied the ascension of 12 female executives in one of the STEM disciplines, the pharmaceutical sector; and sheds a perspective of the setbacks, challenges and…


Glass Cliffs at middle management levels: an experimental study

Saadet Elif Esposito

A new phenomenon called “Glass Cliff” has formed claiming that women at the higher echelons of organizations are being placed in higher risk positions when compared to men. The…


Managing diversity in minority business enterprises: the impact of employee homogeneity on financial performance

Ian Blount, Delmonize Smith

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of employee homogeneity on the financial performance of minority business enterprises (MBEs). It is widely postulated that…


Evaluations of LGBT job applicants: consequences of applying “out”

Kinsey B. Bryant-Lees, Mary E. Kite

This study aimed to experimentally investigate whether disclosing one's sexual orientation while applying for a job would impact hiring decisions.


Planned retirement age: do attachment to work and expectations relating to workplace adjustments matter?

Marie-Eve Dufour, Tania Saba, Felix Ballesteros Leiva

In the context of population aging, retirement has become a central issue in academic, professional and government discourse. A consensus can be seen to be emerging around the…

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  • Prof Eddy Ng