Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Volume 38 Issue 2


An International Journal

Table of contents - Special Issue: Part 1: ADVANCEing women faculty in STEM

Guest Editors: Stacie Furst-Holloway, Kathi Miner

NSF ADVANCE and gender equity: Past, present and future of systemic institutional transformation strategies

Jessie DeAro, Sharon Bird, Shermaine Mitchell Ryan

Supporting the advancement of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in ways that help to ensure the health, prosperity, welfare and security of the nation has…


The changer and the changed: Evolving theories and practices of change in ADVANCE calls for institutional transformation

Sandra L. Laursen, Kristine De Welde

The purpose of this paper is to examine the evolving theories of change of the US National Science Foundation’s (NSF) ADVANCE program to increase the representation of women on…


Missing or seizing the opportunity? The effect of an opportunity hire on job offers to science faculty candidates

Jill Allen, Jessi L. Smith, Lynda B. Ransdell

As universities grapple with broadening participation of women in science, many ADVANCE funded institutions hone in on transforming search committee practices to better consider…


Interactive theater: an effective tool to reduce gender bias in faculty searches

Christine M. Shea, Mary Fran Fran T. Malone, Justin R. Young, Karen J. Graham

The purpose of this paper is to describe the development, implementation and impact evaluation of an interactive theater-based workshop by the ADVANCE program at the University of…


An evidence-based faculty recruitment workshop influences departmental hiring practice perceptions among university faculty

Denise Sekaquaptewa, Koji Takahashi, Janet Malley, Keith Herzog, Sara Bliss

Many university programs seek to promote faculty diversity by reducing biases in hiring processes. The purpose of this paper is to conduct two studies to test the individual- and…


Examining models of departmental engagement for greater equity: A case study of two applications of the dual agenda approach

Sharon Bird, Melissa Latimer

The purpose of this paper is to examine two types of departmental interventions focused on creating healthier and more equitable academic departments as well as enhancing faculty…


Is it always this cold? Chilly interpersonal climates as a barrier to the well-being of early-career women faculty in STEM

Kathi N. Miner, Samantha C. January, Kelly K. Dray, Adrienne R. Carter-Sowell

The purpose of this project was to examine the extent to which early-career women faculty in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) experience working in a chilly…


Unclogging the pipeline: advancement to full professor in academic STEM

Helga Van Miegroet, Christy Glass, Ronda Roberts Callister, Kimberly Sullivan

Women remain underrepresented in academic STEM, especially at the highest ranks. While much attention has focused on early-career attrition, mid-career advancement is still…


Hidden patterns: Using social network analysis to track career trajectories of women STEM faculty

Regina Collins, Nancy Steffen-Fluhr

The purpose of this paper is to describe how one group of ADVANCE Project researchers investigated faculty co-authorship networks to identify relationships between women’s…

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  • Prof Eddy Ng