American Journal of Business: Volume 13 Issue 1
Table of contents
Downsizing, Corporate Performance, and Shareholder Wealth
Diana R. Franz, Dean Crawford, Deborah J. DwyerRestructuring events, such as downsizing, can either halt a downward spiral in corporate performance or perpetuate that downward spiral (Lindsley, Brass and Thomas 1995). This…
Workforce Skill Choices and Manufacturing Environments
Mark Pagell, Shawnee VickeryIt has long been recognized that changes in production technology have effects outside the manufacturing unit of the firm. Although researchers have examined the effects of new…
Cross‐Functional Interface of Marketing and Accounting
James A. Stephens, Jeffery ArchambaultFor competitive reasons, many business organizations are becoming more flexible in their operation and cross‐functional in design. Increased emphasis on satisfying the final…
What Customer Orders Really Cost
Robert J. Campbell, Larry J. RankinManufacturing companies facing significant pricing competition need customer cost informations systems (CCISs) that reliably measure the resource costs of serving individual…
A Framework for Service Management of Information Systems
Gary M. KernMany information systems functions have made the transition from primarily providing their customer with information products to also providing their customers with information…
TQM Stress MIS
Michael S. Spencer, Leslie K. DuclosAs an operating philosophy, TQM has crossed departmental and disciplinary boundaries as a way to increase productivity and improve quality. Information Systems Managers…
A Cross‐Functionally Integrated Undergraduate Business Core Curriculum
Terrence R. Bishop, Timothy S. Vaughan, Gerald R. Jensen, Nessim Hanna, David GrafIn the summer of 1993, a faculty team from the College of Business at Northern Illinois University began working to develop a cross‐functionally integrated undergraduate business…
Managers’ Reaction to Total Quality Management in U.S. Business Schools
Scott A. Dellana, Kenneth E. Bass, Frederic J. HebertTotal Quality Management activities are gaining prominence in higher education. Many universities and colleges are implementing these activities across their institutions and…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr David Burnie