American Journal of Business: Volume 11 Issue 2

Table of contents

A Problem‐Based MBA Curriculum The Ohio University Experience

Gerard F. Carvalho, David P. Kirch

Ohio University’s MBA program is designed accord‐ing to the principals of problem‐based learning. The curriculum has no courses. Rather, it is organized around problems like those…


Reengineering the MBA for Small and Mid‐Size Firms: A Business‐Driven Approach

William J. Doll, Thomas W. Sharkey, Don R. Beeman

Most universities have MBA programs designed to train functionally specialized managers for large Fortune 1000 type firms. The graduate management education needs of small and…


Advanced Technologies for Effective Sales Training Interactive Video Programs

Ramon A. Avila, Stephen M. Avila, Scott A. Inks, Michael R. Williams

This manuscript compares active with passive learning models. It supports active learning as more appropriate for professional sales education. The conceptual support is explained…


Use of Videotape in the Management Classroom: An Empirical Study

Kenneth J. Lacho, Robert A. Herring

A review of the literature found that little research has been conducted on the use of videotape in the teaching of management courses in university schools of business. Utilizing…


Risk, Challenge & Innovation: The Entrepreneurial Experience at Ball State University

Donald F. Kuratko

In order to simulate the entrepreneurial process for students, the Entrepreneurship Program at Ball State University incorporates traditional as well as innovative, experimential…


Advisory Services LTD: An Interdisciplinary Project Involving Accounting and Technology Students

William D. Cooper, Lynn Griffin, Charles F. Malone

This paper describes a semester‐long project involving senior‐level accounting students enrolled in Principles of Auditing and senior technology majors enrolled in a Manufacturing…


Experiences with Group Support Systems in the Classroom

Milam Aiken

A Group Support System (GSS) can be an effective tool in teaching groups of students. This paper describes the technology and four studies which explored the appropriateness of…


Narrowing the Gap: An Example of Student/Practitioner Collaboration in Classrooms

Carol R. Graham

There is general agreement that the relationship between university business schools and the business community should become closer in the future, but neither group has many…


Keys to Creative Business Teaching via Distance Education

Gary Coombs

In this paper, I will discuss basic concepts of distance education and will provide suggestions for ways to increase student involvement and satisfaction with the course. Teaching…

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  • Dr David Burnie