American Journal of Business: Volume 6 Issue 2


Table of contents

College‐Corporate Cooperation: A Compelling Emerging Need

Richard L. Sandhusen, Bernard Elliott Budish

Competitive, technological and demographic imperatives are combining to dramatically change the nature of tomorrow’s workplace, and the needs of workers and managers comprising…

The Future of Higher Education for Business and Management

Hussein H. Elsaid, John R. Schermerhorn

The future of higher education for business and management is discussed against the framework providedby the 1959 Gordon‐Howell and Pierson reports, and the 1988 Porter and…


University‐Based Management Development: Trends, Problems, and Opportunities

Paul M.C. Knudstrup

“What we need is a better trained workforce.” “Our managers need to be trained how to manage today’s changing worker.” “Our people’s skills are becoming obsolete at a faster rate…


Client Satisfaction in a Real Estate Business: A Survey Analysis

Sita C. Amba‐Rao

In order to understand the service component in the real estate business, an exploratory study was conducted. A sample of clients of a real estate firm in a midwestern city was…


Federal Family and Medical Leave Legislation: Defeated But Not Dead

Elaine Hobbs Fry, David Grabert

As the number of working mothers increases, the problems associated with being an employee and a parent also increase. This has led to a debate concerning the employer’s…

The Risk‐Threat Matrix: Key to Defensive Strategy

Henry H. Beam, Thomas A. Carey

Managers have traditionally concentrated on the offensive aspects of strategic planning. With a few important exceptions, the strategic planning literature is also heavily…


Decentralizing the Information Systems Function: What and How Much to Take Back

Ted R. Compton

Russell Ackoff, in his often cited article “Management Misinformation Systems’, discussed some problems that were associated with the highly centralized and tightly controlled…


Employer Liability for Negligence In Post‐Hiring Employment Decisions

Robert J. Walter

Employers are now being sued for the crimes of their employees. These lawsuits are usually based on a claim of employer negligence for having hired a dangerous employee. However…


Adversarial Collective Bargaining: An Anachronism

Frederick R. Post

While our adversarial free (meaning minimal governmental interference) collective bargaining has been praised as a positive attribute of our labor‐management relations, it is…


International Market‐Entry Decision Models: How Important are they?

Patrick A. Okonkwo

The delineation of the different international market‐entry decision models serves to inform international managers of the different alternative courses of action open to them…


Rebuilding the Accounting Systems Infrastructure: A Case Study

Linda Garceau, Brad Lavish

Today, a major capital investment decision faces many business organizations. Corporations must decide whether to invest in rebuilding their aging accounting systems or to divert…

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  • Dr David Burnie