Journal of Islamic Marketing: Volume 9 Issue 4


Table of contents

Analyzing consumer participation in boycott movement using the analytical hierarchy process: Indonesia context

Kresno Agus Hendarto, Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, B.M. Purwanto, Moira M.M. Moeliono

This study aims to investigate what consumer’s preference, as group members, to participate in boycott movement in Indonesia.


Conceptualizing the relation between halal logo, perceived product quality and the role of consumer knowledge

Javeed Anam, Bin Mohamed Mokhtar Sany Sanuri, Bin Lebai Othman Ismail

The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize the impact of halal logo as an extrinsic food packaging cue on perceived food quality moderated by the role of consumer knowledge.


The perspective of religious and spiritual tourism research: a systematic mapping study

Ali Heidari, Hamid Reza Yazdani, Fatemeh Saghafi, Mohammad Reza Jalilvand

Religious tourism is a form of tourism where people of a particular faith travel to visit places of religious significance in their faith. Previous research into the various…


Moderating effects of marketing communication and financial consideration on customer attitude and intention to purchase Islamic banking products: A conceptual framework

Mohammad Enamul Hoque, Nik Mohd Hazrul Nik Hashim, Mohammad Hafizi Bin Azmi

The purpose of this paper is to introduce a conceptual framework that can facilitate investigations concerning the impact of marketing communication and financial consideration on…


The perception of non-Muslim tourists towards halal tourism: Evidence from Turkey and Malaysia

Mohamed Battour, Fatemeh Hakimian, Mohd Ismail, Erhan Boğan

This paper aims to explore the perceptions of non-Muslim tourists towards halal tourism in Malaysia and Turkey. It also investigates the extent to which non-Muslim tourists are…


The impact of religiosity, environmental marketing orientation and practices on performance: A case of Muslim entrepreneurs in Indonesia

Pramono Hari Adi, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah

This paper aims to investigate the environmental marketing orientation of Muslim entrepreneurs and looks at its relationship with environmental marketing and organizational…


Determinants of halal meat consumption in Germany

Mehkar Sherwani, Afzaal Ali, Adnan Ali, Sikander Hussain

The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of halal meat consumption within a Turkish Muslim migration population in Germany using the theory of planned…


Service quality and customer’s satisfaction in Tanzania’s Islamic banks: A case study at People’s Bank of Zanzibar (PBZ)

Fauz Moh’d Khamis, Rosemaliza AbRashid

This study aims to examine the relationship between service quality and customers’ satisfaction, and the effect of service quality on customers’ satisfaction in Tanzanian Islamic…


Islamic marketing: bridging the gap between research and practice

Md Shamim Hossain, Sofri Bin Yahya, Shaian Kiumarsi

The purpose of this study is to examine the link between research and practice within the context of Islamic marketing (IM), an issue which is controversial in the literature. It…

A comparative analysis of the UN declaration, global business compact, and religious morals in determining global values for business and their application to Islamic marketing

John Fraedrich, Othman Althawadi, Ramin Bagherzadeh

The continued rise of the multinational and debate as to what constitutes global business values is predicated on the UN Declaration and Global Business Compact. This research…

Putting eggs in a different basket: a typology of Islamic symbols and services

Mohsin Abdur Rehman, Sarminah Samad, Muhammad Kashif

This study aims to explore how consumers gain identity from consumption of religious symbols in a Muslim, collectivist cultural context.

A conceptual framework for the adoption of Islamic banking in a pluralistic-secular nation: Nigerian perspective

Precious Chikezie Ezeh, Anayo D. Nkamnebe

Islamic banking is an emerging product in Nigeria; it has evolved as a new reality in the Nigerian financial scene since 2011. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to propose a…

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  • Prof Jonathan Wilson