Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration: Volume 14 Issue 1


Table of contents

Indispensable components of creativity, innovation, and FMCG companies' competitive performance: a resource-based view (RBV) of the firm

Naser Valaei, Sajad Rezaei, Gregory Bressolles, Michael M. Dent

A total of 210 valid paper-and-pencil questionnaires were received from fast-moving consumer goods/small and medium-sized enterprises (FMCG-SMEs) to empirically test the proposed…


Organisational change capacity and performance: the moderating effect of coercive pressure

Badri Munir Sukoco, Elisabeth Supriharyanti, Sabar, Ely Susanto, Reza Ashari Nasution, Arief Daryanto

To examine three dimensions of organisational change capacity (OCC) which have been proposed sequentially in the following order: OCC for change will affect process capacity for…


The moderation effect of work engagement on entrepreneurial attitude and organizational commitment: evidence from Thailand’s entry-level employees during the COVID-19 pandemic

Waranpong Boonsiritomachai, Ploy Sud-On

Past research has convincingly shown that the more entrepreneurial employees are, the more likely they are to leave the organization and start their own enterprise. Therefore, the…

Do generous trade credit terms provide a competitive edge?

Dmytro Osiichuk, Paweł Wnuczak

The authors document a persistent negative link between contemporaneous trade credit provision and subsequent firm-level operating performance.

The ascension of executives' tenure, corporate risk-taking and corporate performance: evidence from Malaysia

Osama F. Atayah, Khakan Najaf, Ravichandran K. Subramaniam, Phaik Nie Chin

This study aims to investigate the implication of top executives’ number of years of experience (tenure) on corporate risk-taking behaviour and corporate performance in Malaysian…

The mediating effect of work engagement on innovative work behavior and the role of psychological well-being in the job demands–resources (JD-R) model

Şennur Koroglu, Omur Ozmen

This study revisits the role of work engagement (WE) on innovative work behavior (IWB) in conjunction with the job demands–resources (JD-R) model, specifically examining its…


Disclosing customers' intentions to use social media for purchase-related decisions

Sumit Sangwan, Supran Kumar Sharma, Jyoti Sharma

The present study intends to shed light on behaviour of customers towards usage of social media for purchasing decisions. The study proposes an extension to technology acceptance…

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  • Dr Saeed Pahlevan Sharif