International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences: Volume 8 Issue 4

Table of contents

Service climate in knowledge-intensive, internal service settings

Ronnie Jia, Blaize Horner Reich, Heather H. Jia

This study aims to extend service climate research from its existing focus on routine service for external clients into a knowledge-intensive, internal (KII) service setting. This…


Analyzing perceived healthcare service quality on patient related outcomes

Aygül Turan, Tuba Bozaykut-Bük

Through the lens of a total quality management approach, this paper aims to examine the effects of health-care service quality on patient satisfaction, repatronage intention (RI…


An application of technology-based design for exhibition services

Yen-Hao Hsieh, Soe-Tsyr Yuan

This study aims propose an innovative notion of the advanced technology based on the expectation theory and the emotion theory for a case study of the context-aware service system…


The mediating influence of service failure explanation on customer repurchase intention through customers satisfaction

Arun Kumar Tarofder, Seyed Rajab Nikhashemi, S.M. Ferdous Azam, Prashantini Selvantharan, Ahasanul Haque

The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of explanation on customer satisfaction in the service failure stage. It seeks to better understand the dynamics of consumer…


Interactivity innovations, competitive intensity, customer demand and performance

Thomas Anning-Dorson

The purpose of this study is to identify dimensions of interactivity service innovations and examine the moderating effect of external factors, i.e. customer demand and…


Service recycling and ecosystems: an intriguing similarity

Luca Mastrogiacomo, Federico Barravecchia, Fiorenzo Franceschini

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the practice of service recycling. There is an end of life to every product. At this stage, recycling is one option: it is the process of…

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  • Riadh Ladhari