International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences: Volume 6 Issue 4

Table of contents

A cross-cultural perspective on consumer perceptions of service failures’ severity: a pilot study

Haithem Zourrig, Kamel Hedhli, Jean Charles Chebat

– This paper aims to investigate the cultural variability in assessing the severity of a service failure.


Level of satisfaction among postgraduate health sciences students on the cafeteria facilities in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Campus

Jian Pei Kong, Sameeha Mohd Jamil

The aim of this study was to determine the levels of satisfaction (food quality, service quality, ambience, price and portion) among postgraduate Health Sciences students on the…


Achieving customer loyalty through service excellence in internet industry

Paramaporn Thaichon, Antonio Lobo, Ann Mitsis

This paper aims to investigate the antecedents to attitudinal and behavioural loyalty of customers of Internet service providers (ISPs). In addition, this study endeavours to…


Enhancing service innovation in a business-to-business context: Four questions for SMEs transforming to service logic

Maaria Nuutinen, Katri Ojasalo

The purpose of this article is to develop a theoretically and empirically grounded interdisciplinary framework for understanding service innovation in a business-to-business…


Expected service quality of utility stores in Pakistan: Qualitative investigation of older and younger generational cohorts

Muhammad Kashif, Mohsin Abdul Rehman

The purpose of this study is to present the Generation X and Generation Y customers’ expectations of utility retail stores in an Asian setting of Pakistan Research studies that…


Determinants and effects of employee’s creative self-efficacy on innovative activities

Terje Slåtten

This paper aims to identify factors that could be related to creative self-efficacy. Specifically, this article examines three different levels of factors as determinants to…


Differences of customer purchase behavior toward organic rice in Indonesia and Taiwan

Massoud Moslehpour, Pham Van Kien, Ilham Danyfisla

– The purpose of this study is to investigate the similarities and differences in consumer purchasing behavior of Taiwanese and Indonesian organic rice consumers.


A comparison of customer perceived service quality in discount versus traditional grocery stores: An examination of service quality measurement scales in a Swedish context

Johan Anselmsson, Ulf Johansson

The overall purpose of this study is to enhance the understanding of customer perceived service quality within grocery retailing in a North European context. We do this by…


Work integrated learning for employee health in schools

Stefan Lagrosen, Yvonne Lagrosen

The purpose of this paper is to examine relationships between quality management health dimensions, employee health, flow and work integrated learning in primary schools. Previous…


Designing appropriate contracts for achieving efficient winter road and railway maintenance with high performance quality: A survey of the state of practice in Sweden

Adel Abdi, Hans Lind, Björn Birgisson

For a long time, the winter maintenance of the Swedish road and railway network had been performed in-house by Swedish Transport Administration, Swedish local authorities i.e…

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  • Riadh Ladhari