International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics: Volume 4 Issue 3

Table of contents

Intelligent techniques for forecasting multiple time series in real‐world systems

Neal Wagner, Zbigniew Michalewicz, Sven Schellenberg, Constantin Chiriac, Arvind Mohais

The purpose of this paper is to describe a real‐world system developed for a large food distribution company which requires forecasting demand for thousands of products across…


Biogeography migration algorithm for traveling salesman problem

Hongwei Mo, Lifang Xu

Biogeography‐based optimization algorithm is a new kind of optimization algorithm based on biogeography. It is designed based on the migration strategy of animals to solve the…


A multimodel approach for a nonlinear system based on neural network validity

Raja Ben Mohamed, Hichem Ben Nasr, Faouzi M'Sahli

The purpose of this paper is to present a new concept based on a neural network validity approach in the area of multimodel for complex systems.


Reducing data dimensionality using random projections and fuzzy k‐means clustering

Ch. Aswani Kumar

The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new hybrid method for reducing dimensionality of high dimensional data.


Human behaviour profiling for anomaly detection

Xudong Zhu, Zhi‐Jing Liu

The purpose of this paper is to address the problem of profiling human behaviour patterns captured in surveillance videos for the application of online normal behaviour…


New unbiased H infinity functional filters designs for discrete‐time linear systems: Time and frequency domains approaches

Montassar Ezzine, Mohamed Darouach, Harouna Souley Ali, Hassani Messaoud

The purpose of this paper is to propose solutions for both discrete‐time and frequency‐domain designs of unbiased H functional filters for discrete‐time linear systems affected…


Robust control of quadrotor MAV using self‐organizing interval type‐II fuzzy neural networks (SOIT‐IIFNNs) controller

Xiangjian Chen, Di Li, Zhijun Xu, Yue Bai

Quadrotor micro aerial vehicle (MAV) is nonlinear and under actuated plant, and it is difficult to obtain an accurate mathematical model for quadrotor MAV due to uncertainties…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Adil Baykasoglu
  • Prof. Dr. Gandolfo Dominici