International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics: Volume 14 Issue 2

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Table of contents

A recursive implementation of the ALIENOR optimization method

Daniele Peri

A recursive scheme for the ALIENOR method is proposed as a remedy for the difficulties induced by the method. A progressive focusing on the most promising region, in combination…


Bibliometric analysis on Pythagorean fuzzy sets during 2013–2020

Mingwei Lin, Yanqiu Chen, Riqing Chen

The purpose of this paper is to make a comprehensive analysis of 354 publications about Pythagorean fuzzy sets (PFSs) from 2013 to 2020 in order to comprehensively understand…


Probabilistic uncertain linguistic TODIM method based on the generalized Choquet integral and its application

Xu Xiuqin, Xie Jialiang, Yue Na, Wang Honghui

The purpose of this paper is to develop a probabilistic uncertain linguistic (PUL) TODIM method based on the generalized Choquet integral, with respect to the interdependencies…


Design and implementation of construction cost prediction model based on SVM and LSSVM in industries 4.0

Miao Fan, Ashutosh Sharma

In order to improve the accuracy of project cost prediction, considering the limitations of existing models, the construction cost prediction model based on SVM (Standard Support…


Improving the performance of query processing using proposed resilient distributed processing technique

C. Lakshmi, K. Usha Rani

Resilient distributed processing technique (RDPT), in which mapper and reducer are simplified with the Spark contexts and support distributed parallel query processing.


An enhanced cosine-based visual technique for the robust tweets data clustering

Narasimhulu K, Meena Abarna KT, Sivakumar B

The purpose of the paper is to study multiple viewpoints which are required to access the more informative similarity features among the tweets documents, which is useful for…


An improved peak side lobe reduction method for linear array antenna for military applications

Ravi Tej D, Sri Kavya Ch K, Sarat K. Kotamraju

The purpose of this paper is to improve energy efficiency and further reduction of side lobe level the algorithm proposed is firework algorithm. In this paper, roused by the…


Optimization of cloud load balancing using fitness function and duopoly theory

KS Resma, GS Sharvani, Ramasubbareddy Somula

Current industrial scenario is largely dependent on cloud computing paradigms. On-demand services provided by cloud data centre are paid as per use. Hence, it is very important to…


Remaining useful life prediction of lithium-ion battery based on auto-regression and particle filter

Jie Lin, Minghua Wei

With the rapid development and stable operated application of lithium-ion batteries used in uninterruptible power supply (UPS), the prediction of remaining useful life (RUL) for…


Unmanned vehicle dynamic obstacle detection, tracking and recognition method based on laser sensor

Hualei Zhang, Mohammad Asif Ikbal

In response to these shortcomings, this paper proposes a dynamic obstacle detection and tracking method based on multi-feature fusion and a dynamic obstacle recognition method…


A new correlation-based approach for ensemble selection in random forests

Mostafa El Habib Daho, Nesma Settouti, Mohammed El Amine Bechar, Amina Boublenza, Mohammed Amine Chikh

Ensemble methods have been widely used in the field of pattern recognition due to the difficulty of finding a single classifier that performs well on a wide variety of problems…


FG-SMOTE: Fuzzy-based Gaussian synthetic minority oversampling with deep belief networks classifier for skewed class distribution

Putta Hemalatha, Geetha Mary Amalanathan

Adequate resources for learning and training the data are an important constraint to develop an efficient classifier with outstanding performance. The data usually follows a…


Data dissemination model using Epidemic and Transmission-Segment-based Geographic Routing protocol: a new perspective in vehicular ad hoc networks

Ravi Kumar D.N.S., Barani S.

The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new data dissemination model in order to improve the performance of transmission in VANET. It proposes a protocol named Epidemic and…


Research on target recognition and mobile job control of humanoid robot based on KM34Z256 for industrial applications

Dunhai Wang, Amit Sharma

Humanoid robot has similar shape and action characteristics as humans, and it can complete some basic tasks instead of humans without changing the human environment, which makes…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Adil Baykasoglu
  • Prof. Dr. Gandolfo Dominici