International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics: Volume 14 Issue 1

Table of contents - Special Issue: Real life applications of generalized fuzzy sets

Guest Editors: Adil Baykasoglu, Gandolfo Dominici, Mingwel Lin

Force tracking control for electrohydraulic servo system based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) controller

Lie Yu, Lei Ding, Fangli Yu, Jianbin Zheng, Yukang Tian

The purpose of this paper is to apply a intelligent algorithm to conduct the force tracking control for electrohydraulic servo system (EHSS). Specifically, the adaptive…


A novel design of optimal intelligent fuzzy TID controller employing GA for nonlinear level control problem subject to actuator and system component fault

Himanshukumar R. Patel, Sejal K. Raval, Vipul A. Shah

The purpose of this article is about the design of controllers for conical two-tank noninteracting level (CTTNL) system in simulation. Local linearization around the equilibrium…


Application of metaheuristic algorithms in interval type-2 fractional order fuzzy TID controller for nonlinear level control process under actuator and system component faults*

Himanshukumar R. Patel, Vipul A. Shah

The two-tank level control system is one of the real-world's second-order system (SOS) widely used as the process control in industries. It is normally operated under the…


A hesitant fuzzy linguistic terms set-based AHP-TOPSIS approach to evaluate ERP software packages

Zeki Ayağ, Funda Samanlioglu

In this paper, two popular multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods with hesitant fuzzy logic approach; hesitant fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (hesitant F-AHP) and…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Adil Baykasoglu
  • Prof. Dr. Gandolfo Dominici