International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics: Volume 12 Issue 3

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Table of contents

Self-adaptive scale pedestrian detection algorithm based on deep residual network

Shuang-Shuang Liu

The conventional pedestrian detection algorithms lack in scale sensitivity. The purpose of this paper is to propose a novel algorithm of self-adaptive scale pedestrian detection…


An incremental learning approach for the text categorization using hybrid optimization

Mamta Kayest, Sanjay Kumar Jain

Document retrieval has become a hot research topic over the past few years, and has been paid more attention in browsing and synthesizing information from different documents. The…


Analyzing China’s OFDI using a novel multivariate grey prediction model with Fourier series

Hang Jiang, Yi-Chung Hu, Jan-Yan Lin, Peng Jiang

With the development of economy, China’s OFDI constantly increase in recent year. Meanwhile, OFDI has spillover effect on economic development and technological development of…


SOM approach for clustering customers using credit card transactions

Seda Yanık, Abdelrahman Elmorsy

The purpose of this paper is to generate customer clusters using self-organizing map (SOM) approach, a machine learning technique with a big data set of credit card consumptions…


A randomized nonmonotone adaptive trust region method based on the simulated annealing strategy for unconstrained optimization

Saman Babaie-Kafaki, Saeed Rezaee

The purpose of this paper is to employ stochastic techniques to increase efficiency of the classical algorithms for solving nonlinear optimization problems.


A novel image super-resolution reconstruction algorithm based on improved GANs and gradient penalty

Shuangshuang Liu, Xiaoling Li

Conventional image super-resolution reconstruction by the conventional deep learning architectures suffers from the problems of hard training and gradient disappearing. In order…


Multi-criteria decision making method based on improved cosine similarity measure with interval neutrosophic sets

Lunyan Wang, Qing Xia, Huimin Li, Yongchao Cao

The fuzziness and complexity of evaluation information are common phenomenon in practical decision-making problem, interval neutrosophic sets (INSs) is a power tool to deal with…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Adil Baykasoglu
  • Prof. Dr. Gandolfo Dominici