China Agricultural Economic Review: Volume 7 Issue 3

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Table of contents

China’s on-going debates over large-scale farming: what are the pros and cons?

Yonghong Zuo, Ling Ma, Hailong Cai, Tianlong Wu, Xian Xin

The Chinese Government relies heavily on increasing farming scale to address the new challenges facing China’s agricultural development. A basket of polices targeted at increasing…


Irrigation investment in China: trends, correlates and impacts

Fei He, Yaojiang Shi, Renfu Luo, Linxiu Zhang, Natalie Johnson, Scott Rozelle

The purpose of this paper is to describe trends in irrigation investment in China’s rural villages in the 2000s, identify the types of villages in which investment occurred and…


Total-factor energy efficiency in China’s sugar manufacturing industry

Lei Ru, Wei Si

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the total-factor energy efficiency (TFEE) in China’s sugar manufacturing industry using firm-level data from 2002/2003 to 2012/2013…


Transaction costs and performance variation of agricultural operators

Kangkang Yu, Xinkai Zhu, Xuan Chen

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between transaction costs and the performance variance of peasant households and specialized cooperatives, as well as…


Is China the price taker in soybean futures?

Bruce Jianhe Liu, Yubin Wang, Jingjing Wang, Xin Wu, Shu Zhang

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether China is still a passive price taker from the US soybean futures, or instead domestic futures market has developed certain degrees…


Children, old-age support and pension in rural China

Chuanchuan Zhang

The purpose of this paper is to examine the substitute between social old-age insurance and adult children in providing old-age support, and estimate the effects of China’s old…


Health risks, social security, and religious choice of rural residents

Jinqi Jiang, Fengtian Zheng

The reform and opening up have triggered a “revival” of religious belief in rural China. The purpose of this paper is to explain why rural residents are increasingly becoming…


Food versus crude oil: what do prices tell us? Evidence from China

Yumeng Wang, Shuoli Zhao, Zhihai Yang, Donald J. Liu

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the causal relationship between the prices of rice, crude oil, wheat, corn and soybean in China and estimate the long-run and short-run…


Social capital influences farmer participation in collective irrigation management in Shaanxi Province, China

Shanshan Miao, Wim Heijman, Xueqin Zhu, Qian Lu

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of four components of social capital on farmers’ participative behaviour in collective actions for constructing and…


The impacts of international efforts to reduce illegal logging on China’s forest products trade flow

Zhijie Guan, Peichen Gong

The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of international efforts aimed at reducing illegal logging on bilateral trade of forest products between China and its partner…


Is small still beautiful? A comparative study of rice farm size and productivity in China and India

Jianying Wang, Kevin Z. Chen, Sunipa Das Gupta, Zuhui Huang

The farm size-productivity relationship has long been the subject of debate among development economists. Few studies address this issue for China, and those that do only with…


A comparison of mode effects between face-to-face and drop-off contingent valuation surveys

Hua Ma, Hui Liu, Yazhen Gong, Jianjun Jin, Xianqiang Mao

– The purpose of this paper is to examine the practice potential of self-administered drop-off as a survey mode for contingent valuation (CV) studies.

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Fu Qin
  • Dr Jikun Huang
  • Dr Kevin Z Chen
  • Dr Weiming Tian
  • Prof Daniel Sumner
  • Prof Xian Xin
  • Prof Holly Wang