Journal of Assistive Technologies: Volume 7 Issue 3
Table of contents
Speech and touch enhanced interface for visually impaired users
Matthew OppenheimThis paper presents a novel interface system to aid people with visual impairment to become proficient with operating unfamiliar devices. The system works by adding touch sensors…
Developing and validating a hearing impairment simulator
Pradipta Biswas, Gokcen Aslan Aydemir, Pat LangdonHearing impaired users often find it difficult to listen to voice over television, computer or public announcement systems due to background noise, music or poor sound quality…
An intelligent integrative assistive system for dyslexic learners
Daniel Mpia Ndombo, Sunday Ojo, Isaac O. OsunmakindeThe objective of this paper is to present a comprehensive literature survey on dyslexic learners and to propose a model for integrated assistive technology of dyslexic learners…
VUI development for Korean people with dysarthria
Sunhee Kim, Yumi Hwang, Daejin Shin, Chang-Yeal Yang, Seung-Yeun Lee, Jin Kim, Byunggoo Kong, Jio Chung, Namhyun Cho, Ji-Hwan Kim, Minhwa ChungThis paper describes the development process of a mobile Voice User Interface (VUI) for Korean users with dysarthria with currently available speech recognition technology by…