Journal of Assistive Technologies: Volume 4 Issue 3
Table of contents
GPS technologies in managing the risks associated with safer walking in people with dementia ‐ a practical perspective
Barbara Dunk, Brian Longman, Liz NewtonMany people with a cognitive impairment are likely to become lost at some stage of their illness; this can cause great distress to individuals and to their relatives. GPS location…
Tel‐e‐Cycle: an equipment and services exchange scheme for telecare service providers
Advanced Telecare User GroupThe sudden expansion of telecare services in the UK may have resulted in items of equipment either being left unused on the shelves or being discarded after use without being…
Comparing the features of key‐safe access solutions to support community care
Gareth Williams, Peter KingKey‐safes have become a backbone of community care, enabling formal carers to access the homes of people receiving routine homecare services or emergency services such as…
Is there more to supporting people within their own home than just providing telecare?
Mike OrtonThis article introduces the background and drivers behind the use of telecare and discusses the fit of telecare in providing support to people to enable them to continue living…
Falls among the elderly: key is prevention, not detection
Audrey KinsellaFalls at home among the elderly are frequent and costly occurrences. Timely responses to falls are possible when initiated by the use of Personal Emergency Response Systems…
Electromechanical telecare ‐ overcoming functional needs
Keith Cameron, Chris DoughtyAn ageing population will include increasing numbers of people who have mobility problems, and many who will be unable to perform personal care tasks such as toileting. Support…
Explaining the potential contribution of telecare to the support, protection and quality of life of people with differing needs
Brian KerrThe telecare development programme in Scotland has just published four practice and training guides1 designed to promote the effective and ethical use of telecare for people with…
Applying MediClim™ ‐ a new weather‐driven health index in a telecare service to support individuals with long‐term conditions
Mary McConkey, Denis Bourque, John BartLong‐term conditions are a major threat to the health and well‐being of many people in Cheshire and across the developed world. They are generally related to lifestyle and have to…
Telecare 2025
Charles HendersonThis paper considers where telecare services may be in 15 years time. It considers the role of various drivers including demographic demands and economic realities along with the…
Using assistive technology and telecare to provide people with learning disabilities with improved opportunities to achieve greater independence
Jon WilkieAlthough standard telecare services have quickly become very successful in many areas, their extension to other groups, including people with learning disabilities, has been…
The role of telecare in overcoming social exclusion in older people
Martin Jones, Chris RowbottomIt is generally accepted that assistive technologies such as telecare will play an increasingly important role in managing the problems of supporting older people's independence…
Telecare to support reablement in delaying a need for long‐term homecare
Julia ChampionIt is now accepted that a course of personalised, well‐planned support services for up to six weeks can prevent or delay the need for an older person to receive long‐term homecare…
Personalised technology in practice ‐ how a national charity is using and developing personalised technology to empower people with learning disabilities and to increase their independence
This article focuses on how Hft, a national charity for people with learning disabilities, is using and developing personalised technology to empower people with learning…