Journal of Assistive Technologies: Volume 4 Issue 2
Table of contents
A voice input voice output communication aid: what do users and therapists require?
Rebecca Palmer, Pam Enderby, Mark HawleyThis paper discusses the opinions of people who use communication aids regarding the development of a voice input voice output communication aid (VIVOCA) using speech recognition…
Older people with and without dementia participating in the development of an individual plan with digital calendar and message board
Torhild Holthe, Ståle WalderhaugThe EU‐funded project ‘Middleware Platform for eMPOWERing older people and people with cognitive impairments ‐ MPOWER’ is aimed at developing a technical middleware platform that…
Scenarios for computersupported learning in a special needs classroom
Andreas Lingnau, Henrike LenschowComputers can be a great benefit for pupils with cognitive disabilities or related difficulties. But even more than in standard learning scenarios, the orchestration plays an…
‘Keeping Safe’ ‐ a community cohesion project linking health with education
Lorian Mead, Lloyd Mead, Lawrence WilliamsThe cross‐agency project described in this paper builds on the success of an earlier collaboration, called ‘Healthy Eating’, by the same team of participants (See JAT 3.1 March…
Making learning easier for SEN students through the use of film and animation
Richard Burdett, Vicky Hulbert, Melanie Robinson, Mark Richardson, Harriet Shaw, Simon WillThis article focuses on the use of film and animation at the Thomas Hardye School in Dorset ‐ a comprehensive with 2216 on roll. It cites the development of the Films for Learning…
Inclusive libraries
Penny Lacey, Penny SmithThe Inclusive Libraries Project began in March 2009 and is due to be completed in March 2010. The practical outcome from the project has been the development of two inclusive…