The TQM Journal: Volume 34 Issue 2

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Table of contents - Special Issue: Expanding Sustainable Quality Control in Operations Management: Virtual and Augmented Reality

Guest Editors: Usama Awan, Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour

The role of emerging technologies in implementing green practices to achieve sustainable operations

Muhammad Umar, Syed Abdul Rehman Khan, Hafiz Muhammad Zia-ul-haq, Mohd Yusoff Yusliza, Khalid Farooq

The current study investigates the effect of industry 4.0 on green practices, including green manufacturing and green logistics, in the context of emerging economies.


Future perspectives on progressive farming with adoption of virtual reality technology for sustainable quality in agriculture

Sneha Kumari, P. Raghuram, V.G. Venkatesh, Yangyan Shi

The paper aims to evaluate how progressive stakeholders view the adoption of contemporary techniques such as virtual technology in driving sustainable quality in an emerging…


Illustrating scholar–practitioner collaboration for data-driven decision-making in the optimization of logistics facility location and implications for increasing the adoption of AR and VR practices

Vala Ali Rohani, Jahan Ara Peerally, Sedigheh Moghavvemi, Flavio Guerreiro, Tiago Pinho

This study illustrates the experience of scholar–practitioner collaboration for data-driven decision-making through the problematic of optimizing facility locations and minimizing…


Enhancing operations management through smart sensors: measuring and improving well-being, interaction and performance of logistics workers

Davide Aloini, Andrea Fronzetti Colladon, Peter Gloor, Emanuele Guerrazzi, Alessandro Stefanini

The purpose of the research is to conduct an exploratory investigation of the material handling activities of an Italian logistics hub. Wearable sensors and other smart tools were…


An augmented reality-based system for improving quality of services operations: a study of educational institutes

Oche A. Egaji, Ikram Asghar, Mark G. Griffiths, David Hinton

This study aims to evaluate the usability of the augmented reality-based Evoke Education System (EES) to improve service operations in educational settings. The EES uses an…

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  • Professor Maria Vincenza Ciasullo