Table of contents

Seven-waste framework of waste identification and elimination for computer-based administrative work

Steven Montana Widodo, Ririn Diar Astanti, The Jin Ai, T.M.A. Ari Samadhi

This paper tries to generalize business process improvement (BPI) methodology. It utilizes the seven-waste framework as an essential step in the methodology. While the seven-waste…


Revising the interrelationship matrix of house of quality by the Kano model

Arash Shahin, Sima Ebrahimi

This study aims to revise the weights in the interrelationship matrix of the house of quality.


Enhancing participation through organizational drivers

Fernando Ruiz-Pérez, Álvaro Lleó, Elisabeth Viles, Daniel Jurburg

This paper unifies previous research literature on employee participation in continuous improvement (CI) activities through the development and validation of a conceptual model…


A comprehensive model for assessing the quality in higher education institutions

Nidal Yousef Dwaikat

This study aims to propose a comprehensive model for assessing the quality of academic programs in higher education institutions (HEIs) by adopting the TQM philosophy.


Understanding the benefits of horticultural therapy on paediatric patient's well-being during hospitalisation

Roberta Guglielmetti Mugion, Elisa Menicucci

The aim of this study is to undertake a systemic literature review (SLR) of horticultural therapy and to explore whether its inclusion in a healthcare programme can enhance…


Quality management effects on operating theater's productivity: a participatory action research

Ali Mohammad Mosadeghrad, Mahnaz Afshari

The operating theater (OT) is resource-intensive, costly and assuring its productivity is a high priority. This study aimed to examine a quality management model's effects on a…


Mapping the implications and competencies for Industry 4.0 to hard and soft total quality management

Oluwayomi Kayode Babatunde

The purpose of this study is to map the implications and competencies for Industry 4.0 to the hard and soft aspects of total quality management (TQM).


Beware of side effects on quality! Investigating the implications of home working on work-life balance in educational services

Rocco Palumbo, Rosalba Manna, Mauro Cavallone

Telecommuting from home is back up on the agenda as a result of the unforeseen challenges brought by COVID-19. Working from home permits to avoid disruption in the ordinary…


An empirical examination of the relationship between benchmarking, innovation culture and organisational performance using structural equation modelling

Mohammed Saleh Alosani, Hassan Saleh Al-Dhaafri

Police agencies are under pressure to improve their performance and provide outstanding services for the community. In response, academics and practitioners have called to adopt…

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  • Professor Maria Vincenza Ciasullo