Table of contents

The contribution of preoccupation with failure to TQM, crisis management and HR aiming to overcome crises

Christina Nizamidou, Fotios Vouzas

The purpose of this paper is binary. At first, it explores the contribution of preoccupation with failure to total quality management (TQM) and crisis management (CM). Then, it…


‘Manufacturing is coming home’: does reshoring improve perceived product quality?

Fabio Cassia

Recently, many firms have reshored manufacturing activities back to their home countries to increase customer perceptions of product quality. However, there is no evidence that…

Open Access.

Dimensions and triggers of memorable tourism experiences: evidence from Italian social enterprises

Paola Castellani, Angelo Bonfanti, Rossella Canestrino, Pierpaolo Magliocca

This paper explores the dimensions and triggers of memorable tourism experiences (MTEs) from the service provider perspective. Specifically, it focuses on MTEs offered by tourism…


Mobile chat servitization in the customer journey: from social capability to social suitability

Letizia Lo Presti, Giulio Maggiore, Vittoria Marino

Mobile instant messaging (MIM) is changing how we communicate with customers transforming what we used to buy as products into services. Servitization is the strategy by which the…


Design of experiments in the service industry: a critical literature review and future research directions

Jiju Antony, Elisabeth Viles, Alexandre Fonseca Torres, Taynara Incerti de Paula, Marcelo Machado Fernandes, Elizabeth A. Cudney

The purpose of the article is to present the results of a critical literature review (CLR) on Design of experiments (DoE) in the service industry.


Industry practices on the rework of defective products: survey results

João Cláudio Soares, Sérgio Sousa, Anabela Tereso

The general objective of this research was to identify the practices of the mass production industries, on the decisions related to the detection of defective products and to…


Service quality of student services and student satisfaction: the mediating effect of cross-functional collaboration

Anwar Khamis Alsheyadi, Jawaher Albalushi

The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to examine the interaction of tangibles, reliability, assurance, responsiveness and empathy dimensions of the service quality…


The problem of fear in TQM – causes, consequences and reduction methods – a literature review

Marek Bugdol

The primary objective of the paper is to present the role and meaning of fear in organizations implementing TQM. The author's intention is to identify the causes of fear in the…

Open Access.

Adopting Six Sigma DMAIC for environmental considerations in process industry environment

Anupama Prashar

The aim of the study is to develop and apply a continuous improvement (CI) framework by introducing environmental considerations into the Six Sigma DMAIC…


Development of a roadmap for Lean Six Sigma implementation and sustainability in a Scottish packing company

Verónica Flor Vallejo, Jiju Antony, Jacqueline Ann Douglas, Paul Alexander, Michael Sony

Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is a continuous improvement methodology that has been adopted by several companies as a strategy to increase their competitive advantage. However, due to the…


An empirical longitudinal study of adoption of lean management in India

Jayaraman Rajagopalan

To identify the factors that need to be addressed by Indian industry to steeply ramp up its production and productivity in the coming years, so as to achieve the goal of the…


Measuring the influence of hospitality organizational climate on employee turnover tendency

Amit Datta

This study aims to identify the underlying dimensions of hospitality organizational climate and then measure the influence of it on employee turnover tendency.


Continuous improvement framework to develop cultural change: case study, capital goods company

Gorka Unzueta, Aritz Esnaola, Jose Alberto Eguren

In this study, a frame of reference was developed to adapt and execute a continuous improvement process (CIP) for reinforcing a continuous improvement (CI) culture in an…


The relationship between soft and hard quality management practices, innovation and organizational performance in higher education

Mauro Sciarelli, Mohamed Hani Gheith, Mario Tani

This study aims to empirically investigate the effects of both soft and hard quality management (QM) on innovation and organizational performance. It also examines the mediating…

Open Access.

A systems theory for lean describing natural connections in an XPS

Christer Osterman, Anders Fundin

Many organizations report difficulties in integrating lean. A possible cause could be that methods and tools do not support each other. The purpose of this research is, therefore…


Transformational leadership as a factor that decreases turnover intention: a mediation of work stress and organizational citizenship behavior

Vinno Petrus Manoppo

The purpose of this research is to examining the effect of transformational leadership on work stress, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and turnover intention, examining…


Effects of Dubai quality award on organisational performance in the United Arab Emirates

Shatha Hawarna, Aahad Osman Gani, Rafikul Islam

Dubai Quality Award (DQA) is one of the quality awards that has been implemented in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for the purpose of improving organisational performance. The…


Internet banking service quality, e-customer satisfaction and loyalty: the modified e-SERVQUAL model

Syed Ali Raza, Amna Umer, Muhammad Asif Qureshi, Abdul Samad Dahri

This study explores the service quality dimensions in Internet banking and their impact on e-customer’s satisfaction and e-customer’s loyalty. This study tries to inspect the…


Customer-perceived quality, innovation and tradition: some empirical evidence

Angela Dettori, Michela Floris, Cinzia Dessì

This study aims to explore how customer-perceived quality is affected by innovation in traditional products in the bread, bakery and pastry industry. The study assesses whether…


An actor–network theory perspective for “Lean” interventions in manufacturing firms

Salam Abdallah, Mohsin Malik, Uzma Chaudhry

This paper tracks the network of actors participating in the initial implementation of a “Lean management” system, in order to identify associations between human and non-human…


Establishing a link among total quality management, market orientation and organizational performance: An empirical investigation

Hari Lal Bhaskar

This paper presents findings of a survey on total quality management (TQM) practices adopted by the Indian manufacturing organizations. The purpose of this paper is to test and…


A health technology assessment between two pharmacological therapies through Six Sigma: the case study of bone cancer

Carlo Ricciardi, Alfonso Sorrentino, Giovanni Improta, Vincenzo Abbate, Imma Latessa, Antonietta Perrone, Maria Triassi, Giovanni Dell'aversana Orabona

Head and neck cancers are multi-factorial diseases that can affect many sides of people's life and are due to a lot of risk factors. According to their characteristics, the…

Open Access.

The effect of experience quality on customer perceived value and customer satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty

Andriani Kusumawati, Karisma Sri Rahayu

To test the effect of experience quality on customer perceived value and customer satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty to the visitors of natural nuanced outdoor cafés…


Improving customer satisfaction and loyalty through mHealth service digitalization: New challenges for Italian pharmacists

Nicola Cobelli, Andrea Chiarini

The main purpose of this exploratory study is to investigate the attitude of pharmacists, as small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) owners, toward new technologies, and more…

Open Access.

Using Lean Six Sigma implied assumptions

Victor E. Kane

The intent of this work is to state the implied assumptions that define the setting for using a Lean Six Sigma (LSS) business strategy to conduct successful improvement projects.


The quality movement's three operational paradigms: a text mining venture

Daniel Carnerud

This study aims to analyze four text-mining studies of quality management (QM) to illustrate and problematize how the research on quality has informed the quality paradigm since…


Future research avenues of cost of quality: a systematic literature review

Christina Dimitrantzou, Evangelos Psomas, Fotios Vouzas

The purpose of this paper is to identify the future research suggestions which have been made by several authors with regard to cost of quality (CoQ) and to group them into…


The “service excellence chain”: an empirical investigation in the healthcare field

Roberta Guglielmetti Mugion, Flaminia Musella, Laura Di Pietro, Martina Toni

The linkage between internal and external satisfaction is an understudied topic in the service field. This study aims to address this gap by proposing an original research model…


A thorough Six Sigma DMAIC application for household appliance manufacturing systems: Oven door-panel alignment case

Meryem Uluskan, Ezgi Pınar Oda

The purpose of this study is to analyze door-panel alignment defects seen in built-in ovens manufactured in one household appliances company's plant. Alignment defects in oven…


Development of the critical success decision criteria for an equitable order sharing in an extended enterprise

Ismail W.R. Taifa, Steve G. Hayes, Iain Duncan Stalker

This study identifies and ranks the appropriate critical success decision criteria (CSDC) for the bulk order distribution (sharing) amongst multiple manufacturers (suppliers…

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  • Professor Maria Vincenza Ciasullo