Table of contents

Lean Six Sigma approach to reduce LOS through a diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance path at A.O.R.N. A. Cardarelli

Carlo Ricciardi, Antonella Fiorillo, Antonio Saverio Valente, Anna Borrelli, Ciro Verdoliva, Maria Triassi, Giovanni Improta

The rise of the mean age incremented the occurrence of femur fractures with respect to the past, leading thus to serious consequences, as regards morbidity and socio-economic…


Modelling the barriers of Lean Six Sigma for Indian micro-small medium enterprises: An ISM and MICMAC approach

Mahipal Singh, Pankaj Kumar, Rajeev Rathi

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the barriers of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) and develop the interrelationship among them using interpretive structural modelling (ISM) and…


Strategic impact of SCM and SCQM practices on competitive dimensions of Indian manufacturing industries

Mandeep Kaur Sidhu, Kanwarpreet Singh, Doordarshi Singh

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the capabilities of total quality management (TQM) and supply chain management (SCM) and extract various significant factors which…


Engaging citizens in collective co-production: Insights from the Turnà a N’Domà (back to the future) project

Mauro Cavallone, Rocco Palumbo

Citizen engagement and public service co-production have been identified as essential ingredients of the recipe for public services’ quality improvement. However, the process of…


Integrated quality environmental management implementation in food processing SMEs: A case study of a developing country

Syed Ali Raza Shah, Khairur Rijal Jamaludin, Hayati Habibah Abdul Talib, Sha’ri Mohd Yusof

The purpose of this paper is to identify the critical success factors (CSFs) of integrated quality environmental management (IQEM) and analyze their impact on operational…


Managing practitioners’ experience and generational differences for adopting lean production principles

Guilherme Tortorella, Rogério Miorando, Marcelo Meiriño, Rapinder Sawhney

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of practitioners’ experience and generational differences on the adoption level of lean production (LP) principles in their…


Design of experiments – overcome hindrances and bad practices

Nuno Costa

The purpose of this paper is to address misconceptions about the design of experiments (DoE) usefulness, avoid bad practices and foster processes’ efficiency and products’ quality…


Ranking model of total quality management enablers in healthcare establishments using the best-worst method

Faisal Talib, Mohammad Asjad, Rajesh Attri, Arshad Noor Siddiquee, Zahid A. Khan

Recent years have witnessed a significant rise in Indian healthcare establishments (HCEs) which indicate that there is a constant need to improve the healthcare quality services…


Application of lean manufacturing concept for redesigning facilities layout in Indonesian home-food industry: A case study

Nilda Tri Putri, Lora Seprima Dona

The purpose of this paper is to redesign the layout of production floor by considering lean manufacturing in order to eliminate the waste and using Block Layout Overview with…


The applications of Kaizen methods in project settings: applied study in Jordan

Khalil Ahmad Al-Hyari, Mohammed Khair Abu Zaid, Omar Suleiman Arabeyyat, Laith Al-Qwasmeh, Mohamed Haffar

The purpose of this paper is to explore the results of implementing the Kaizen approach in a caravan repairing project near the Jordanian–Syrian border in the Zaatari camp.


Resource allocation to strategies of quality management with FANP and Goal Programming approach

Elham Rezaee, Alireza Pooya

The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between effective strategies to improve the quality and quality management of allocated resources for the successful…

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  • Professor Maria Vincenza Ciasullo