The TQM Journal: Volume 24 Issue 4
Table of contents - Special Issue: Selected Papers from the Third Canadian Quality Congress
Guest Editors: Dr. Madhav Sinha
Quality assurance in Canadian police services
Wendy Cukier, Erin Barkel, Tania Vaughan, George GekasThe purpose of this study is to investigate the presence of quality assurance, risk management, and audit practices at the municipal, provincial and federal levels of law…
Continual improvement within South African abattoir Hygiene Management Systems
Reuben GovenderThe Hygiene Management System (HMS) is a regulated basic food safety system applicable to registered South African abattoirs. There is however, no specific requirement within the…
Management responsibility for human errors
Jan M. MyszewskiThe purpose of this paper is to discuss the adverse impact of management systems on the occurrence of human errors.
Integration of quality cost and accounting practices
Leonardo A. Sedevich FonsThe purpose of this paper is to suggest a quality cost measurement model which is managed in coordination and conjunction with the accounting reports, thereby creating a…
Applying TQM to the construction industry
H. James Harrington, Frank Voehl, Hal WigginThe purpose of this paper is to define the quality and productivity problems, and improvement opportunities that face the construction industry today.
Establishing a small company's medical device quality system
January LuczakThe purpose of this paper is to chronicle a small company's path towards establishing a functioning, effective quality system for a medical device technology and to provide some…
Building sustainable internal capacity for quality within a healthcare environment
Dale SchattenkirkThe purpose of this paper is to discuss how using an experiential Lean Six Sigma training model will dramatically decrease the amount of time it takes to become competent and…

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- Professor Maria Vincenza Ciasullo