Table of contents

Improve constantly and forever: The influence of W. Edwards Deming into the twenty‐first century

Stephen B. Knouse, Paula P. Carson, Kerry D. Carson, Ronald B. Heady

The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of Deming's ideas on the twenty‐first century.


Proposal of a strategy model planning aligned to the balanced scorecard and the quality environments

Helen Silva Gonçalves

The purpose of this paper is to present the proposal of a strategy model planning, that is lined up to a system of quality management, being also considered the strategic system…


Professionals freaking out: the case of accreditation in Dutch higher education

Everard van Kemenade, Teun W. Hardjono

The purpose of this paper is to define what factors cause willingness and/or resistance among lecturers in universities towards external evaluation systems, especially…


5 “S” and TQM status in Indian organizations

Vinod Kumar Khanna

Ho and Osada state that 5 “S” is the foundation for implementing total quality management (TQM) philosophy and also emphasize that 5 “S” is the primary driver for the success of…


Managing students' loyalty to school after graduation through relationship marketing

Benjamin Osayawe Ehigie, Megan Taylor

The purpose of this paper is to consider customer expectation, perceived service performance and customer satisfaction as issues of total quality management (TQM) in relationship…


Value creation in outsourced service provision in public transportation

Åsa Rönnbäck, Lars Witell

The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe the perceived value drivers (benefits and sacrifices) in outsourced service provision in public transportation. The authors…


Quality follows quality: add quality to the business and quality will multiply the profits

Jaspreet Gill

The purpose of this paper is to explore the common grounds that quality and productivity share. Hence, this paper reflects a mélange of quality and productivity and sets forth the…

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  • Professor Maria Vincenza Ciasullo