Advances in Mental Health and Learning Disabilities: Volume 3 Issue 4
Table of contents
A short history of psychodynamic psychotherapy for people with learning disabilities
David O'DriscollIndividual psychodynamic psychotherapy for people with learning disabilities has been more available since the 1980s, with numerous case studies and reports of effectiveness, yet…
History and formation of the Institute of Psychotherapy and Disability
Pat FrankishAfter a varied and confused period from the days of Freud to the 1980s, psychotherapy for people with disabilities began to be recognised as having value. Several strands of…
Accessibility, efficiency and effectiveness in psychological services for adults with learning disabilities
Tom JacksonIt is widely acknowledged that there is a significant gap between the demand for psychological therapy services and the supply (Bower & Gilbody, 2005). It is also well‐known that…
Diagnostic information and adversity in childhood for offenders with learning disabilities referred to and accepted into forensic services
William Lindsay, Anthony Holland, John Taylor, Amanda Michie, Marie Bambrick, Gregory O'Brien, Derek Carson, Lesley Steptoe, Clare Middleton, Karen Price, Jessica WheelerSeveral studies have related diagnostic information and adversity in childhood to criminal careers and risk of recidivism. Notably, ADHD and conduct disorder in childhood…
Assessment of cognitive therapy skills for people with learning disabilities
Dave Dagnan, Karen Mellor, Claire JeffersonThere is increasing use of cognitive therapy with people with learning disabilities. This paper gives a detailed description of a clinically useful assessment approach that gives…
A structured account of short‐term psychodynamic psychotherapy with a man with learning disabilities
Alison Salvadori, Tom JacksonThis article describes a short‐term psychodynamic treatment of a learning disabled adult male, referred to a community psychology service with social withdrawal and refusal…
Single case experimental evaluations of psychodynamic and cognitive‐behavioural psychotherapy: examples of methods and outcomes
Stephen Kellett, Nigel Beail, Alick Bush, Graham Dyson, Mark WilbramSingle case experimental design (SCED) has a long, well‐respected tradition in evaluating the effectiveness of behavioural interventions for people with learning disabilities and…
Group and individual cognitive behavioural interventions for anger
John Rose, Alex O'Brien, David RoseThere is growing evidence for the efficacy of anger treatment programmes, which aim to reduce inappropriate aggression in people with learning disabilities. To date they have been…
Effects of intellectual functioning on cognitive behavioural anger treatment for adults with learning disabilities in secure settings
John Taylor, Raymond Novaco, Lucy JohnsonAnger has been shown to be associated with aggression and violence in adults with learning disabilities in both community and secure settings. Emerging evidence has indicated that…