Social Enterprise Journal: Volume 3 Issue 1


Table of contents

A new model for supporting social enterprise through sustainable investment

Zia ul Islam

To present a practitioner’s view on the experiences of the HELP Foundation, Pakistan, in finding practicable ways of helping poor people to escape the poverty trap through the…

Using human resource management tools to support social enterprise: emerging themes from the sector

Maureen Royce

To devise a human resource management (HRM) approach capable of application to the management of employees in social enterprises.


Recent reforms to corporate legal structures for social enterprise in the UK: opportunity or confusion?

Ian Snaith

To study the legal underpinnings of the definition of social enterprise in the context of the problems with the corporate legal structures available in the UK in the late…

Social return on investment and social enterprise: transparent accountability for sustainable development

Neil Rotheroe, Adam Richards

To apply the social return on investment (SROI) concept to a case study based on the Furniture Resource Centre Group (FRC Group), a social enterprise based in Liverpool, UK, to…


“Balance”: the development of a social enterprise business performance analysis tool

Mike Bull

To investigate the higher‐level skills needs and learning provisions for small medium social enterprises (SMSEs) in Northwest England in order to support strategies for lifelong…


Social enterprise: a solution for the voluntary sector?

Sinéad McBrearty

To identify the factors influencing the success or failure of voluntary organizations to utilize social enterprise models to achieve financial and/or social objectives.


“They have God on their side”: the impact of public sector attitudes on the development of social enterprise

Tony Chapman, Deborah Forbes, Judith Brown

To study the reasons why UK social enterprises are not yet fulfilling their potential due to the lack of support and trust on the part of key decision makers.

Making sense of social enterprise

Pam Seanor, Julia Meaton

To study the ways in which the people involve in social enterprises make sense out of what they are trying to do.


So you like to play the guitar? Music‐based social enterprise as a response to economic inactivity

Molly Scott Cato, Len Arthur, Russell Smith, Tom Keenoy

To study the relationship between organization structure and socio‐economic impact in the Welsh music industry and the potential role of social enterprises.

Understanding social enterprise: a case study of the childcare sector in Scotland

Paul Hare, Declan Jones, Gemma Blackledge

To investigate the application of the social enterprise model to the childcare sector in Scotland and develop a practical model for analysing such social enterprises.

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Michael Roy