International Journal of Energy Sector Management: Volume 16 Issue 1


Table of contents

Compatibility about the concept of energy hub: a strict and visual review

Mahmoud A. Hammad, Sara Elgazzar, Matevž Obrecht, Marjan Sternad

Despite the concept of energy hub becoming widely signed and used in recent literature for addressing energy geopolitics, policies and relationships, it is still being confused…

Reducing complexity in multivariate electricity price forecasting

Hendrik Kohrs, Benjamin Rainer Auer, Frank Schuhmacher

In short-term forecasting of day-ahead electricity prices, incorporating intraday dependencies is vital for accurate predictions. However, it quickly leads to dimensionality…

New wine in old bottles: governing logics for applying sustainability management control systems in Austrian electric utilities

Johannes Slacik, Birgit Grüb, Dorothea Greiling

Literature shows that a strong link between sustainability control systems and sustainability management (SM) fosters sustainability development (SD) and compliance with…


Problems of adoption of solar power and subsequent switching behavior: an exploration in India

Subhadip Roy, Subhalaxmi Mohapatra

The challenges and factors of household adoption and the use of alternative energy sources have been a point of discussion among researchers. The purpose of this study is to apply…

Financing renewable energy projects in the Dominican Republic: an empirical study

Angelines Daihana Donastorg, Suresh Renukappa, Subashini Suresh

Currently, renewable energy (RE) sources represent a crucial pillar in obtaining sustainable development, one of the global goals for all countries. However, this presents a…

End of life analysis of solar photovoltaic panel: roadmap for developing economies

Emmanuel Ndzibah, Giovanna Andrea Pinilla-De La Cruz, Ahm Shamsuzzoha

The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework for handling end of life (henceforth EoL) scenarios of solar photovoltaic (solar PV) panels, which includes…


Determinants of environmental degradation in Saudi Arabia: exploring the unexplored

Muhammad Tahir, Arshad Hayat, Umar Burki

Environmental degradation is recognized as a serious problem globally, and hence, Saudi Arabia is no exception. This paper aims to focus on the economy of Saudi Arabia to identify…

Randomized greedy algorithm for helicopter optimization in the energy industry: a practical approach to model development and solution deliverance

Jeremy T. Navarre

The global energy industry transports supplies and personnel via helicopter to offshore locations and is increasingly focusing on optimizing upstream logistics. This paper aims to…

Oil revenue and agriculture value-added in oil-exporting countries: does the role of real exchange rate matter?

Rizgar Abdlkarim Abdlaziz, N.A.M. Naseem, Ly Slesman

This study aims to investigate the contingent roles real effective exchange rates (REERs) play in mediating the effects of oil revenue on the agriculture sector value-added in 25…

Impact of urbanization on per capita energy use and emissions in India

Stuti Haldar, Gautam Sharma

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of urbanization on per capita energy consumption and emissions in India.

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  • Dr Prasanta Dey