Chinese Management Studies: Volume 10 Issue 3

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Table of contents

Re-integrating values, mind of Mao and selected papers: 1040 years old Yuelu academy, Hunan University and Shaoshan

Check Teck Foo, Fang Fang

The purpose of this paper is to elaborate a unique approach to researching into the mind of Mao and, at the same time, review of papers in this issue of Chinese Management…


Are political ties only based on interpersonal relations?: The organizational political tie and its role in firms’ innovations in China

Nan Zhang, Qiao-zhuan Liang, Haimin Lei, Xiao Wang

Despite most studies on political ties focusing on the interpersonal relationships between firms and government officials, this study suggests that local party committees (LPCs…


Do SOEs outperform private enterprises in CSR? Evidence from China

Haidong Zheng, Yue Zhang

The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between firm size, the nature of ownership and corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance in China and to figure…


A theory of multi-dimensional organizational innovation cultures and innovation performance in transitional economies: The role of team cohesion

Xuemei Xie, Yonghui Wu, Saixing Zeng

This study aims to construct a theory of multi-dimensional organizational innovation cultures and innovation performance in transitional economies and explore the moderating…


Is harmony still in the local socialist officials’ hearts: An exploratory assessment of Chinese county and department level officials

Huping Shang, Taijun Jin, Wei Liu

The purpose of this paper is to assess if the core value of Chinese traditional culture (harmony) still remains in managers’ hearts, and what factors influence this core value’s…


Antecedent factors of business planning in the new venture emergence in China

Dan Long, Lan Geng, Muhammad Shakeel

The purpose of this paper is to build a research model from the perspectives of entrepreneur and entrepreneurial opportunity examining the effects of entrepreneurial growth…


In search of the roots of HRM in the Chinese workplace

Ronald Busse, Malcolm Warner, Shuming Zhao

The purpose of this paper is to trace back the roots of US-driven “Human Resource Management” (HRM) school of thought which now become widely institutionalized in China, up to the…


Differential leadership, team conflict and new product development performance: An empirical study from R&D team in China

Jianming Zhou, Shuo Liu, Xinsheng Zhang, Ming Chen

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of native Chinese R&D team directors’ differential leadership on team performance, so as to understand whether and how the…


Competitive pressure and managerial decisions: Product market competition and earnings quality in China

Muhammad Ansar Majeed, Xian-zhi Zhang

This study aims to examine the impact of product market competition (PMC) from existing rivals and potential market entrants on earnings quality (EQ) in China.


Effects of positive incentive and negative incentive in knowledge transfer: carrot and stick

Xiu-Hao Ding, Yuanqiong He, Jiang Wu, Chen Cheng

Employees play a central role in firms’ knowledge transferal, but knowledge-sharing brings significant costs for employees. Thus, this study aims to explore the components of…

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  • Dr Cherrie (Jiu Hua Zhu