Multicultural Education & Technology Journal: Volume 7 Issue 4

Table of contents - Special Issue: Searching for Excellence in Islamic Studies: A South East Asia Perspective

Religious education and ethical attitude of Muslim adolescents in Malaysia

Ab Halim Tamuri, Mohd Yusof Othman, Jawiah Dakir, Ahmad Munawar Ismail, Zakaria Stapa

The study aims to investigate the students' perceptions on the teaching of Islamic education in the Malaysian secondary schools. The study will also look into the students'…


Automated tajweed checking rules engine for Quranic learning

Noor Jamaliah Ibrahim, Mohd Yamani Idna Idris, Zaidi Razak, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman

The purpose of this paper is to provide a structural overview of speech recognition system for developing Quranic verse recitation recognition with tajweed checking rules…


Islamic art and the ethos of spirituality within a civilizational context

Fadila Grine, Benaouda Bensaid, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff

Islamic art is characterized by a deep-rooted vitality and distinct form of expression that arises from its intimate position with regard to Islamic civilization. While…


Information visualization techniques for presenting Qur'an histories and atlas

Raja-Jamilah Raja-Yusof, Jananatul Akmal, Nazean Jomhari

The purpose of this paper is to study suitable visualization techniques representing Qur'an history and atlas. It focuses on analyzing the effectiveness of the concept map and the…


Exploring the relationship between Islamic religious learning and community: Special reference to ‘Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun and Mohammad Tahir Ben Achour

Benaouda Bensaid, Saleh Ben Tahar Machouche

Muslims' commitment to religious learning and its institutions speaks of a genuine interest in a lifestyle characterized by education and wisdom, spiritual and religious…


An experience of developing Quran ontology with contextual information support

Rizwan Iqbal, Aida Mustapha, Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff

Ontologies play an important role in enabling machines to understand and navigate a knowledge base. Currently, a number of ontologies covering specific topic in the Quran have…








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2007 – 2013

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Emerald Publishing Limited