Multicultural Education & Technology Journal: Volume 7 Issue 2/3
Table of contents - Special Issue: Quality Assurance through multiple cultures in Global Studies
Guest Editors: Dr Gilbert Ahamer
Teaching children with disabilities: ICTs in Bangkok and Addis Ababa
Margarita Schiemer, Michelle ProyerThis paper intends to explore the levels of availability and restrictions in relation to the use of ICTs (information and communication technologies) for educating children with…
Quality improvements in curricula for Global Studies
Lena Bader, Tabea Bereuther, Elisabeth Deutsch, Julia Edlinger, Silvia Füreder, Emanuel Kaspar, Marlene Köttstorfer, Claudia Mautner, Christine Rossegger, Alina Samonig, Stefan Samonig, Christoph Schuster, Gerhard Witz, Victoria Zotter, Gilbert AhamerBased on an in‐depth comparison of 20 multicultural university curricula, this article aims to provide practical and implementable suggestions about how to improve such curricula…
Global inequality and poverty in perspectives of geography
Michael Altmann, Sophie Eisenreich, Daniela Lehner, Stefanie Moser, Tobias Neidl, Valentina Rüscher, Thilo VogelerOn the educational level, this paper aims to show a practical case of dialogic web‐based learning. It has provided a consensus during a web‐based negotiation game between four…
Reframing for global sustainability: The “Second Manifesto” for the “Turn of the Titanic”
Herbert RauchThis paper aims to encourage discourse concerning a “sustainable societal system”, proposing S.E.E.D. (=Secure‐base Earth Equilibrium Development). S.E.E.D. outlines a possible…
E‐learning from a student's view with focus on Global Studies
Lena Bader, Marlene KöttstorferThe current Internet Outlook of the OECD states that e‐learning has the potential to revolutionise education and learning – if complemented by suitable didactic approaches…
A novel approach to exploring the concept of resilience and principal drivers in a learning environment
Julian MatzenbergerThe concept of resilience has emerged recently in scientific debate. The aim of this paper is to outline different notions of the term resilience and explore how the concept of…
Technologies and collaborative education strengthen conviviality in rural communities in the Alps and in Senegal
Udo Müller, Gilbert Ahamer, Holger Peters, Elisabeth Weinke, Norbert Sapper, Elvira SalcherThe purpose of this publication is to present a didactic concept with the targeted impact of a positive future vision. This paper reflects the effect of local educational action…
Multiple cultures of doing geography facilitate Global Studies
Gilbert AhamerThis article aims to explain why geography is a prime discipline for analysing globalisation and a multicultural view of Global Studies. The generic approach of human geography to…