International Journal of Emerging Markets: Volume 16 Issue 1


Table of contents - Special Issue: Value Chain Innovations in Digital, Social Media, and Mobile (DSMM) Commerce

Guest Editors: Anshu Saxena Arora, Amit Arora, Datis Khajeheian

Institutional influences on firm strategy in authoritarian emerging economies: Multi-platform mass media companies in the UAE

Stephen Wilkins, Serap Emik

This is one of the first studies to investigate the influences of institutions in an authoritarian regime on the strategies of firms that operate in a potentially sensitive…


CRM performance and development of media entrepreneurship in digital, social media and mobile commerce

Pejman Ebrahimi, Mahsa Ahmadi, Abbas Gholampour, Hamidreza Alipour

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effect of CRM performance and technological innovation on performance of media entrepreneurs considering firm size.


The mediating impact of demonetisation on customer acceptance for IT-enabled banking services

Kritika Nagdev, Anupama Rajesh, Richa Misra

The purpose of this paper is to explore the mediating role of demonetisation in the usage of IT-enabled banking services (ITeBS). The study extends the theory of technology…

Social content marketing, social media and product development process effectiveness in high-tech companies

Nader Seyyedamiri, Ladan Tajrobehkar

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of social content marketing in social media on the effectiveness of the new product development process of high-tech…


“Custolytics”: Internet of Things based customer analytics aiding customer engagement strategy in emerging markets – an empirical research

Samir Yerpude, Tarun Kumar Singhal

The purpose of this paper is to build a customer engagement strategy for an emerging market using the Internet of Things (IoT) origin real-time data analytics for a classical…


Competitive strategies of mobile applications in online taxi services: The cases of Snapp and Tap30 in Iran

Taher Roshandel Arbatani, Esmaeil Norouzi, Afshin Omidi, José María Valero-Pastor

The purpose of this paper is to analyze competitive strategies implemented by two Iranian taxi service mobile apps – Snapp and Tap30 – in different domains by using the modified…

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  • Prof Ilan Alon