Drugs and Alcohol Today: Volume 6 Issue 3


Table of contents

In search of the king's clothes: breaking through the acronym hierarchy

Andrew Gordon

Lost in a world of jargon? Bamboozled by acronyms? Unsure of what your colleagues or therapist is talking about? Then fear not. You are not alone. Andrew Gordon is a seasoned…

Spotlight on services series: A brave new world: one man's fight against prohibition

Danny Kushlick

Continuing our spotlight on services we bring you the incredible story of the UK's most outspoken and influential organisation on drug law and policy. Transform campaigns to…

Ketamine use: minimising problems and maximising pleasure

Karenza Moore, Fiona Measham

In January 2006 ketamine shifted from medical regulation through the Medicines Act to a Class C drug through an amendment to the Misuse of Drugs Act. In the debate surrounding…

Attracting women: adopting a psychological approach in primary care

Jeff Fernandez

There has been much written on gender in the academic world and its impact on society. Women suffer disproportionately from inequality (Haralambos & Holborn, 2000) and substance…

Addictions without substance series: The conundrums of gambling

Simon Milton

Continuing our series on addiction without substance, Simon Milton explores the misunderstood world of gambling addiction. Using his years of experience as a gambling therapist…







Online date, start – end:

2001 – 2022

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited


  • Dr Axel Klein
  • Mr Blaine Stothard
  • Dr Aysel Sultan