International Journal of Web Information Systems: Volume 17 Issue 2


Table of contents

Contrast and conditional polarity rule (CCPR) for detection of positivity and negativity in opinionated sentence with indirect polarity

Keng Hoon Gan, Noeurn Krol

Customer reviews are one important source that contains valuable information for quality evaluation of products or services. Review sentences contain sentiment words that show…

SAE based unified double JPEG compression detection system for Web image forensics

Zhifeng Wang, Chi Zuo, Chunyan Zeng

Recently, the double joint photographic experts group (JPEG) compression detection tasks have been paid much more attention in the field of Web image forensics. Although there are…

Task scheduling on cloud computing based on sea lion optimization algorithm

Raja Masadeh, Nesreen Alsharman, Ahmad Sharieh, Basel A. Mahafzah, Arafat Abdulrahman

Sea Lion Optimization (SLnO) algorithm involves the ability of exploration and exploitation phases, and it is able to solve combinatorial optimization problems. For these reasons…

An execution environment as a service for adaptive long-running workflows

Milton Secundino de Souza-Júnior, Nelson Souto Rosa, Fernando Antônio Aires Lins

This paper aims to present Long4Cloud (long-running workflows execution environment for cloud), a distributed and adaptive LRW execution environment delivered “as a service”…

A proposal of recommendation function for element fill-in-Blank problems in java programming learning assistant system

Su Sandy Wint, Nobuo Funabiki

To advance Java programming educations, the authors have developed a Web-based Java programming learning assistant system (JPLAS). It offers the element fill-in-blank problem…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof. Honghao Gao
  • Prof. Li Kuang