International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications: Volume 8 Issue 1


Table of contents

A survey on predicting personal mobility

Ingrid Burbey, Thomas L. Martin

Location‐prediction enables the next generation of location‐based applications. The purpose of this paper is to provide a historical summary of research in personal…

A survey on networks for smart‐metering systems

Antonio Liotta, Daniël Geelen, Gert van Kempen, Frans van Hoogstraten

At present the energy generation and distribution landscape is changing rapidly. The energy grid is becoming increasingly smart, relying on an information network for the purposes…


Air‐Writing: a platform for scalable, privacy‐preserving, spatial group messaging

Rene Mayrhofer, Alexander Sommer, Sinan Saral

Spatial messaging is a direct extension to text and other multi‐media messaging services that have become highly popular with the current pervasiveness of mobile communication. It…

A multi‐layered model for scalable group communication with hybrid clocks

Ailixier Aikebaier, Makoto Takizawa, Isamu Tsuneizumi, Makoto Ikeda, Tomoya Enokido

A group of n (> 1) peers are required to cooperate with each other in distributed applications on P2P overlay networks. A P2P group is distributed without a centralized controller…

A scheduling method for continuous media data broadcasting considering commercial contents

Yusuke Gotoh, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Hideo Taniguchi, Masanori Kanazawa

The purpose of this paper is to propose a scheduling method called the “Asynchronous Harmonic Broadcasting Considering Commercial (AHB‐CC)” method, to reduce waiting time for…

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  • Seng Loke