International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications: Volume 5 Issue 1


Table of contents - Special Issue: Advances in pervasive computing

Guest Editors: J.H. Abawajy

Advances in pervasive computing: GUEST EDITORIAL

J.H. Abawajy

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of advances in pervasive computing.


MUREX: A mutable replica control scheme for structured peer‐to‐peer storage systems

Jehn‐Ruey Jiang, Chung‐Ta King, Chi‐Shiang Liao, Ching‐Hao Liu

The purpose of this paper is to propose MUREX, a mutable replica control scheme, to keep one‐copy equivalence for synchronous replication in structured peer‐to‐peer (P2P) storage…

The subscription‐cover‐based routeing algorithm in content‐based publish/subscribe

Yuan Hong Liang, Guo ChangGuo, Zou Peng

The publish/subscribe paradigm is useful for content diffusion in the internet. The purpose of this paper is to propose subscription covering to reduce the size of routeing table…

Towards pervasive instant messaging and presence awareness

Xiaolei Zhang, Chun‐Fai Law, Cho‐Li Wang, Francis C.M. Lau

The purpose of this paper is to envision the benefits of applying the Instant Messaging (IM) paradigm in pervasive computing environments. With IM in such an environment, all…

Human‐computer interaction in ubiquitous computing environments

J.H. Abawajy

The purpose of this paper is to explore characteristics of human‐computer interaction when the human body and its movements become input for interaction and interface control in…

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  • Seng Loke