Interactive Technology and Smart Education: Volume 12 Issue 4


Table of contents

Increasing testing efficiency through the development of an IT-based adaptive testing tool for competency measurement

Janne Kleinhans, Matthias Schumann

This paper investigates the potential of computerized adaptive testing for CMs to reduce test time. In the context of education and training, competency measurement (CM) is a…

Achieving digital literacy through game development: an authentic learning experience

Mark Frydenberg

This paper aims to argue that the process of making an original game develops digital literacy skills and provides an authentic learning experience as students create, publish and…


Learning through telepresence with iPads: placing schools in local/global communities

Bente Meyer

This study aims to present findings from an ongoing study in three rural schools in Denmark where videoconferences are used as part of the teaching at lower secondary level. The…


Learning with interactive whiteboards: Determining the factors on promoting interactive whiteboards to students by Technology Acceptance Model

Eylem Kilic, Çetin Güler, H. Eray Çelik, Cemal Tatli

The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors which might affect the intention to use interactive whiteboards (IWBs) by university students, using Technology Acceptance…

Augmented reality m-learning to enhance nursing skills acquisition in the clinical skills laboratory

Bernard M. Garrett, Cathryn Jackson, Brian Wilson

This paper aims to report on a pilot research project designed to explore if new mobile augmented reality (AR) technologies have the potential to enhance the learning of clinical…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Assoc Prof Pedro Isaias