Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management: Volume 35 Issue 9

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Table of contents

Fourth industrial (r)evolution? Investigating the use of technology bundles and performance implications

Krisztina Demeter, Levente Szász, Béla-Gergely Rácz, Lehel-Zoltán Györfy

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how different manufacturing technologies are bundled together and how these bundles influence operations performance and, indirectly…

Open Access.

Investigating a manufacturing ecosystem in transition toward electric vehicles – a business model perspective

Michael Rachinger, Julian M. Müller

Business Model Innovation is increasingly created by an ecosystem of related companies. This paper aims to investigate the transition of a manufacturing ecosystem toward electric…

Open Access.

Manufacturers managing complexity during the digital servitization journey

Beheshte Momeni, Mario Rapaccini, Miia Martinsuo

Manufacturers face various challenges and risks during their digital servitization (DS), due to the complexity caused by introducing breakthrough technologies, increasingly…

Open Access.

Exploring the relationship between Lean and Green for further research

Felipe Martinez, Petr Jirsák

Exploring the Lean and Green relationship goes back to the beginnings of Lean manufacturing. Most cases established that companies implementing Lean have Green results. However…

Open Access.

Generative artificial intelligence in manufacturing: opportunities for actualizing Industry 5.0 sustainability goals

Morteza Ghobakhloo, Masood Fathi, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Mantas Vilkas, Andrius Grybauskas, Azlan Amran

This study offers practical insights into how generative artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance responsible manufacturing within the context of Industry 5.0. It explores how…

Open Access.

Lean and industry 4.0 principles toward industry 5.0: a conceptual framework and empirical insights from fashion industry

Virginia Fani, Ilaria Bucci, Monica Rossi, Romeo Bandinelli

Examining synergies between Lean, Industry 4.0, and Industry 5.0 principles, the aim is to showcase how Lean's focus on people enhances Industry 5.0 implementations, leading to…

Open Access.
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  • Prof Harm-Jan Steenhuis