Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management: Volume 22 Issue 8

Table of contents - Special Issue: Global supply chain implications for manufacturers

Guest Editors: Dr K.L. Choy, Dr Kris M.Y. Law, Prof S.C. Lenny KOH

Dynamic vendor selection based on fuzzy AHP

Saroj Koul, Rakesh Verma

In the ever‐changing world, vendor selection and evaluation are very important in supply chain management. Recently, there has been extensive research in the areas of vendor…


A decision support system to facilitate warehouse order fulfillment in cross‐border supply chain

Cathy H.Y. Lam, K.L. Choy, S.H. Chung

The purpose of this paper is to provide a decision support system (DSS) to enhance the performance of cross‐border supply chain, the goal of which is to improve order planning and…


Sustainable supply chain for collaborative manufacturing

Swee Siong Kuik, Sev Verl Nagalingam, Yousef Amer

Owing to the manufacturing trend of stringent product disposal regulations, a new business scenario, which requires an alternative disposal option on consumer products and further…


Quality risk in global supply network

Ying Kei Tse, Kim Hua Tan, Sai Ho Chung, Ming Kim Lim

The rise of recent product recalls reveals that manufacturing firms are particularly vulnerable to product quality and safety where goods and materials have been sourced globally…


Real‐time inbound decision support system for enhancing the performance of a food warehouse

S.I. Lao, K.L. Choy, G.T.S. Ho, Y.C. Tsim, C.K.H. Lee

With the increasing concerns about food management, attention is placed on the monitoring of different potential risk factors for food handling. Therefore, the purpose of this…


Dynamic implications of customer order decoupling point positioning

Philip Hedenstierna, Amos H.C. Ng

The positioning of the customer order decoupling point (CODP) is an important strategic consideration for supply chains. Recently, research has focused only on the static effects…

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  • Prof Harm-Jan Steenhuis