Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management: Volume 20 Issue 6

Table of contents - Special Issue: Manufacturing technology management: the supply chain context

Guest Editors: Dr Nicholas Beaumont

The application situation and determinants of postponement: A field survey for large manufacturers in Greater China

Yu‐Ying Huang, Shyh‐Jane Li

The concept of postponement has been developed over many years. Past empirical research has been conducted almost entirely in Western countries. This paper aims to investigate the…


Information sharing versus order aggregation strategies in supply chains

Roman Schmidt

The purpose of this paper is to explore how differently aggregated order data may affect inventories and service levels in a serial supply chain and compares the results against…


Enabling lean procurement: a consolidation model for small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises

Mark M.J. Wilson, Ram N. Roy

Gaining access to the cost savings and production efficiencies derived from lowering inventories in the supply chain is as vital for small‐to medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) as…


Case study of processing firm‐distributor firm outsourcing alliance

Suku Bhaskaran, Helen Jenkins

The purpose of this paper is to review and discuss a distribution outsourcing alliance between a small‐to‐medium scale food processor and a national distributor of frozen and…


Understanding the factors affecting e‐business adoption and impact on logistics processes

Aristides Matopoulos, Maro Vlachopoulou, Vicky Manthou

The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize e‐business adoption and to generate understanding of the range of factors affecting the adoption process. The paper also aims at…


Process integration for paperless delivery using EPC compliance technology

John P.T. Mo, Slavica Gajzer, Murray Fane, Gerry Wind, Tania Snioch, Kevin Larnach, Drew Seitam, Hiroyuki Saito, Stewart Brown, Fergus Wilson, George Lerias

The purpose of this paper is to outline the research work of managing returnable assets such as pallets by radio frequency identification (RFID) methods on a national scale.


The MobiCert project: Integrating Australian organic primary producers into the grocery supply chain

Nhiem Lu, Paula M.C. Swatman

The purpose of this paper is to present the findings of the MobiCert project, which utilises mobile commerce technology to enhance information access and provision for organic…

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  • Prof Harm-Jan Steenhuis