Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management: Volume 20 Issue 4

Table of contents

Development of a manufacturing flexibility hierarchy through factor and cluster analysis: The role of new product type on US electronic manufacturer performance

Dwi Larso, Toni Doolen, Marla Hacker

The ability of production organizations to respond quickly to changes in the market with new products requires flexibility. The relationship between manufacturing flexibility and…


Risk mitigation in offshoring of business operations

Sameer Kumar, Anthony Kwong, Chandan Misra

Offshoring involves transferring or sharing management control and/or decision making of a business function to a supplier in a different country, which entails a degree of…


Value stream classification

Martin Christopher, Denis R. Towill, James Aitken, Paul Childerhouse

In the twenty‐first century business scenario, most organisations supply a range of products to multiple markets, so participate in several often quite different supply chains…


Using data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate the operational performance of the wafer fabrication industry in Taiwan

Yu‐Shan Chen, Bi‐Yu Chen

The purpose of this paper is to use data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate the efficiency of the wafer fabrication industry in Taiwan.


A strategic analysis of the mobile telephone industry in Mainland China

Ching‐Yi Chang, Fanghua Wang, Hsin‐Pin Fu

The purpose of this paper is to propose some competitive strategies as a reference for domestic mobile phone corporations (DMCs) so that dominant mobile phone corporations can…


A genetic algorithm for minimizing makespan of block erection in shipbuilding

Bao Jinsong, Hu Xiaofeng, Jin Ye

The purpose of this paper is to propose an algorithm based on genetic algorithm (GA) to solve the block erection scheduling problem in shipbuilding.


Prioritised multi‐response product screening using fractional factorial designs and order statistics

George J. Besseris

The purpose of this paper is to propose a manufacturing product‐screening methodology that will require minimal resource expenditures as well as succinct improvement tools based…

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  • Prof Harm-Jan Steenhuis