Table of contents
Youth Leadership Development Self-Efficacy: An Exploratory Study Involving a New Construct
Bradley C. Greiman, Leah S. AddingtonSupported by Bandura’s social cognitive theory, our study examined personal factors and environmental factors that impact adults’ ability to assist youth in developing leadership…
How Today’s Undergraduate Students See Themselves as Tomorrow’s Socially Responsible Leaders
Kristina G. Ricketts, Jacklyn A. Bruce, John C. EwingA new generation of leaders is needed not only to build local partnerships in today’s communities, but to assume all positions of leadership. Undergraduate students within a…
Leadership Development and Social Capital: Is There a Relationship?
Lawrence Jacob Van De ValkSignificant resources of time, money and expertise are invested in leadership development programs, and networking is often cited as a benefit of participation in these programs…
Where’s All the Teamwork Gone? A Qualitative Analysis of Cooperation between Members of Two Interdisciplinary Teams
Jacklyn A. Bruce, Kristina G. RickettsThis study explored cooperation between members of two interdisciplinary teams of educators within the agricultural field in a northeastern state. A researcher-developed…
Echoes of Leadership Education: Reflections on Failure, Forgetting, and Our Future
Donald G. DiPaoloDespite the popularity of leadership education on college campuses, little is known about what individual participants learn and remember. This longitudinal study examines the…
What Do They Need? Intrinsic Motivation and Online Leadership Learning
Suzanne Schwarz McCotterOnline and hybrid classes have become common in the fields of leadership education. The pressure to implement these delivery models comes from both students and institutions. It…
Developing Future Leaders: The Role of Reflection in the Classroom
Cynthia RobertsLeadership development continues to be a topic of conversation, education, and research. Reflection has been named as one of the key competencies needed for effective leaders…
Nurturing Reflection and Connection through the Kiva
Anthony MiddlebrooksThe Kiva, originating from Southwestern Native American governance processes, provides a structured group experience that encourages critical reflection and self-analysis through…
Simulations as a Source of Learning: Using StarPower to Teach Ethical Leadership and Management
Scott J. AllenThis research examines the use simulation, StarPower, as an instrument to teach students about ethics in management and leadership. The paper begins with an overview of sources of…
1552-9045Online date, start – end:
2023Journal’s owner:
Association of Leadership EducatorsOpen Access:
open accessEditor:
- Dr Jackie Bruce