Management Research: Volume 15 Issue 4
The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of ManagementTable of contents
The internationalization of a family business group: The ownership, the leadership and the importance of the socio-emotional wealth dimensions
Bice Della Piana, Alessandra VecchiThe purpose of this paper is to provide some illustrative evidence to understand the distinctive forms of governance implemented by a well-established family business group (FBG…
A comprehensive model of management education for Latin America: Learning constructs, instructional techniques, and outcomes
Richard Posthuma, Claudia González-Brambila, Denver J. Fowler, Said Al-RiyamiTo address the increasingly turbulent environments that businesses face, the purpose of this study is to build on prior research to propose a comprehensive model aimed at…
The boundary conditions of gender diversity in top teams
Luisa Delgado-Márquez, Julio de Castro, Rachida JustoIn this study, the authors aim to extend previous research and examine the phenomenon of gender diversity on firm performance in the context that of community-based enterprises…
Consumer social resources to co-create: evidence from Vietnam
Tuan M. NguyenThis study aims to validate an integrative model that investigates the structural relationships among consumer social resources (including social capital and social exchange)…
A life in research: Joan Enric Ricart: “you can go faster alone, but you will get farther away if you go with others”
Santiago IbarrecheThis paper aims to be a conversation with Joan Enric Ricart, conducted by Santiago Ibarreche, about his career as a successful scholar, prolific author and founder of many…
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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- José Ernesto Amorós