Journal of Investment Compliance: Volume 9 Issue 1


Table of contents

The Stoneridge case – much ado about nothing?

Andrew Edison

The purpose of this paper is to explain the issues related to “scheme liability” that underlie the current case before the United States Supreme Court, Stoneridge Investment…


The FSA begins to “think tough” on insider dealing: but will thoughts turn to deeds?

Duncan Black, Angelo Lercara, Joe Smallhoover, Paul Huey‐Burns

The purpose of this paper is to assess the FSA's recent, allegedly soft approach toward insider trading and compare it with current approaches in the USA, France, and Germany


Freedom of information rights may result in the FSA's views about regulated firms becoming public

Carlos Conceicao, Rosalind Gray

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the implications of recent decisions by the UK Information Commissioner under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, ordering the UK…


Providers and distributors: responsibilities regarding retail structured products

David Rouch, Joanna Benjamin, Michael Raffan, Mark Kalderon, Simon Orton

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of recent guidance from the FSA and industry, and recent case law regarding product providers and distributors


The changing tax environment for the UK hedge fund sector

Dana Ward

The purpose of this paper is to summarize the main conditions that a UK investment manager has to meet in order to benefit from a UK tax exemption known as the Investment Manager…


SEC adopts Amendments to Rule 105 of Regulation M, including important exceptions for bona fide purchases and for separate accounts

Charles S. Gittleman, Russell D. Sacks

The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed description of Amendments to Rule 105 of Regulation M adopted by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on June…

North American Securities Administrators Association 2007 Report of Investment Adviser Examinations

The purpose of this paper is to summarize data gathered from the North American Securities Administrators Association 2007 Report of Investment Adviser Examinations, to help all…

Taking the risk out of mutual fund compliance: a seven‐step check list for safer, more cost‐efficient mutual fund sales

Jeff Levering

The purpose of this paper is to explain the risk of bad mutual fund data for a financial services firm that sells mutual funds and to recommend steps a firm can take to ensure the…


Summary of selected FINRA Regulatory Notices and Disciplinary Actions

Henry A. Davis

The purpose of this summary is to provide excerpts of selected Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Regulatory Notices issued from October to December 2007 and a sample…







Online date, start – end:

2000 – 2021

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Emerald Publishing Limited


  • Henry A. Davis