Journal of Risk Finance: Volume 9 Issue 2


Table of contents

The nature of randomness: Part 2 – Cognitive constraints

Michael R. Powers

The purpose of the paper, in this two‐part series, is to consider certain intriguing aspects of randomness, the basic mathematical concept used to model financial risk and other…


A practical approach to blend insurance in the banking network

Panayiotis G. Artikis, Stanley Mutenga, Sotiris K. Staikouras

The purpose of this paper is to look at the main empirical findings related to the bank‐insurance model and to outline the market practices across the world. The market dynamics…


Reputation entrenchment or risk minimization?: Early stop and investor‐manager agency conflict in fund management

Xun Li, Zhenyu Wu

One of the agency conflicts between investors and managers in fund management is reflected by risk‐taking behaviors led by their different goals. The investors may stop their…


On loss‐avoiding payoff distribution in a dynamic portfolio management problem

Jacek B. Krawczyk

The aim of this paper is to propose and analyse policies capable of generating left‐skewed pension distributions. Such policies can deliver large pension values with high…

Moments of the time of ruin in a renewal risk model with discounted penalty

K.K. Thampi, M.J. Jacob

This paper considers a Sparre Andersen risk process for which the claims inter‐arrival distribution is Generalized Exponential. The purpose of this paper is to find explicit…

Asian options versus vanilla options: a boundary analysis

George L. Ye

The purpose of the paper is to correct a commonly mistaken notion that an Asian option is always cheaper than its plain vanilla European counterpart in a general setting.


Simultaneous output and input hedging: a decision analysis

Moawia Alghalith

The purpose of this paper is to present a realistic hedging model.



Michael Mainelli

This paper aims to offer a commentary on recent failures in financial markets.

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  • Nawazish Mirza