Multinational Business Review: Volume 29 Issue 4

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Table of contents - Special Issue: Open for Business in a Closed World: Managing MNE Nonmarket Strategy in Times of Populism and Geopolitical Uncertainty

Guest Editors: George O. White III, Tazeeb S. Rajwani, Thomas C. Lawton

Open for business in a closed world? Managing MNE nonmarket strategy in times of populism and geopolitical uncertainty

George O. White III, Tazeeb Rajwani, Thomas C. Lawton

The international strategies of multinational enterprises are increasingly augmented by insights on, and approaches to, external stakeholders and nonmarket dynamics. The rise of…


Political animosity in cross-border acquisitions: EMNCs’ market and nonmarket strategy in a developed market

Ru-Shiun Liou, Lee Warren Brown, Dinesh Hasija

Many multinational corporations that originate from emerging economies (emerging market multinational corporations (EMNCs)) opt for acquiring a target firm in a developed market…


Real options flexibility or risk diversification: risk management of US MNEs when facing risk of war

Yun Dong Yeo, Seung-Hyun (Sean) Lee

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the risk of war aroused by North Korea’s threatening actions trigger strategic responses from US multinational enterprises (MNEs…


Taking advantage of institutional weakness? Political stability and foreign subsidiary survival in primary industries

Nathaniel C. Lupton, Donya Behnam, Alfredo Jiménez

This paper aims to investigate the extent to which locating primary industry subsidiaries in politically unstable countries impacts their survival. The authors argue that foreign…


Surviving the Arab Spring: socially beneficial product portfolios and resilience to political shock

Izzet Darendeli, T.L. Hill, Tazeeb Rajwani, Yunlin Cheng

This paper aims to explore the ideas that social legitimacy (acceptance by the public within a country) serves as a hedge against political risk and that the perceived social…

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  • Irina Surdu-Nardella
  • Tazeeb Rajwani