Multinational Business Review: Volume 18 Issue 4


Table of contents

The M Curve: The Performance of Born‐Regional Firms From Korea

In Hyeock Lee

This paper utilizes a new data base on the international activities of small, new ventures in Korea to examine the impact of internationalization on firm performance. Main…

Value Creation and Home Region Internationalization of U.S. MNEs

Chang Hoon Oh

This study analyzes the relationship between multinationality and performance of 1,247 US multinational enterprises (MNEs) over the period of 1995‐2004 by utilizing Tobin’s q…

ICT Development and the Regional vs. Global Strategies of MNEs

Linghui Tang, Len J. Trevino

This paper investigates the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on the spatial dispersion of FDI. Using a gravity model, we find that geographic distance…

On The Mode of International Expansion: The Role of Agency Costs

Rolf Mirus, Bernard Yeung

We examine the mode of international expansion as an equilibrium governance contract between home country and host country factor owner. The focus is on agency costs, a form of…

A Commentary on Risk Reduction by Geographic Diversification

Stefan Eckert, Georg Trautnitz

The relationship between multinationality and value is still one of the most fundamental questions in IB research. Gande, Schenzler, and Senbet (2009) claim to have found…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Irina Surdu-Nardella
  • Tazeeb Rajwani