Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society: Volume 5 Issue 2/3

Table of contents - Special Issue: The contribution of “Information Science” to the social and ethical challenges of the information age

Guest Editors: Shifra BaruchsonArbib

The contribution of “information science” to the social and ethical challenges of the information age

Shifra Baruchson‐Arbib

The purpose of this paper is to introduce readers to the social and ethnical dimensions of information science.


Current trends in library and information studies curricula around the world: Looking for the user‐centred approach

Jenny Bronstein

The purpose of the study is to identify current trends in library and information science (LIS) education related to the user‐centred approach adopted by libraries and information…


An experiment to enhance awareness of the power of information: The social information science concept and individual empowerment in Israeli high schools

Shifra Baruchson‐Arbib, Vicky Horenstein

The paper's purpose is to study the effects of enhancing the awareness of the power of information among adolescents by developing a “social information section” in the library.


Knowledge in dialogue: empowerment and learning in public libraries

Hans Elbeshausen

The demand for learning is constantly increasing in transcultural knowledge societies. This paper aims to consider the impact of learning concepts, as developed by Danish…


A model design proposal of a supportive web site for women experiencing IPV: Catering for needs at different phases of the coping process

Dan Bouhnik

This paper attempts to recognize the informational needs of women who suffer from intimate partner violence (IPV). It then presents a model of a web site that may answer to these…


Information professionals serving disadvantaged communities

Michel J. Menou, Kingo Mchombu

This paper sets out to offer a holistic perception of the information ecology in which disadvantaged communities of the so‐called third world operate with a view to contribute to…


Manipulating search engine algorithms: the case of Google

Judit Bar‐Ilan

To investigate how search engine users manipulate the rankings of search results. Search engines employ different ranking methods in order to display the “best” results first. One…


The health information specialist: A new role for channeling web information to promote patient empowerment

Nira Shalom

This paper discusses the need for health information specialists who can promote patient empowerment by tailoring the information patients receive as they cope with illness. The…


Information needs of North American immigrants to Israel

Snunith Shoham, Sarah Kaufman Strauss

The main goals of this study are identifying the information needs of new North American immigrants to Israel and to ascertain which channels of information are used by the…


The Future Center as an empowering ecology

Ron Dvir, Fiona Lettice, Carol Webb, Yael Schwartzberg

To present a generic empowerment ecology framework to guide the operation of Future Centers and to empower Future Center visitors to respond to the challenges facing them and…


How shall we write and read in twenty‐first century academy?: Notes on the margin of electronic publishing

Miriam Farber

The paper's aim is to point out trends in scholarly communication – both some of the main advantages and the yet unsolved problems that technology – swift communication lines…


Fictional reality or real fiction: how can one decide?: The strengths and weaknesses of information science concepts and methods in the media world

Monique Jucquois‐Delpierre

This paper aims to examine information and communication science, knowledge and power in relation to a TV “docu‐fiction”. In particular, it will look at the decision‐making…


Information science – facing social and ethical challenges: Analysis of masters' theses and doctoral dissertations over the past five years (2002‐2006) in information science departments worldwide

Gila Prebor

The current study aims to review the emerging trends as revealed in masters' theses and doctoral dissertations written over the past five years (2002‐2006) in information science…

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  • Dr Antonio Marturano