Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society: Volume 19 Issue 2

Table of contents

Toward a digital civil society: digital ethics through communication education

Sophia Kaitatzi-Whitlock

In the face of the enormous rise in digital fraud and criminality, resulting in diverse afflictions to millions of user-victims, emanating from users’ horizontal interactive and…


Empowering employees: the other side of electronic performance monitoring

Karma Sherif, Omolola Jewesimi, Mazen El-Masri

Advances in electronic performance monitoring (EPM) have raised employees’ concerns regarding the invasion of privacy and erosion of trust. On the other hand, EPM promises to…


Mediated democracy and internet shutdown in India

Md. Nurul Momen, Harsha S., Debobrata Das

This paper aims to highlight the very recent cases of internet shutdown during the creation of Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir and enactment of Citizenship Amendment Act and…


The delicate balance of communicational interests: A Bakhtinian view of social media in health care

Chukwuma Ukoha, Andrew Stranieri

This paper aims to use the writings of Mikhail Bakhtin to reveal new insights into the role and impact of social media in health-care settings.


An exploration of the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation for communication professionals

Eduardo Alejandro López Jiménez, Tania Ouariachi

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are currently changing human life with a great implication in the communication field. This research focusses on understanding the…


A call to technologists to ensure that responsible outcomes arise from their innovations

Aaditeshwar Seth

The purpose of this paper is to encourage technologists, those who design and manage technology systems, to collectivize and get closely involved in defining the priorities of…


New constitution and media freedom in Libya: journalists’ perspectives

Miral Sabry AlAshry

The purpose of this study is to investigate Libyan journalists’ perspectives regarding the media laws Articles 37,132, 38 and 46, which address media freedom in the new Libyan…


“Alexa, define empowerment”: voice assistants at home, appropriation and technoperformances

Olya Kudina, Mark Coeckelbergh

This paper aims to show how the production of meaning is a matter of people interacting with technologies, throughout their appropriation and in co-performances. The researchers…

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  • Dr Antonio Marturano