Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society: Volume 15 Issue 4


Table of contents

Professional ethics in the information age

Oliver Kisalay Burmeister

Professional ethics is explored with three main foci: a critique of codes of conduct and the value of creating a global code for information and communication technology (ICT); a…


Yes, but … our response to: “professional ethics in the information age”

Donald Gotterbarn, Keith W. Miller

This short viewpoint is a response to a lead paper on professional ethics in the information age. This paper aims to draw upon the authors’ experience of professional bodies such…


Aspects of professional ethics in the real world

Declan Brady

This paper aims to describe a perspective from the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS) on the role of ethics in IT professionalism, and what that means…


Corporations and professionalism: awkward bed-fellows?

David Kreps

The purpose of this paper is to respond to Burmeister’s paper on Professionalism in information and communication technology.


Augmenting justice: Google glass, body cameras, and the politics of wearable technology

Kevin Healey, Niall Stephens

This paper aims to uncover the assumptions and concerns driving public debates about Google Glass and police body cameras. In doing so, it shows how debates about wearable cameras…


Privacy concerns in integrating big data in “e-Oman”

Stuti Saxena

Whereas integration of big data in “e-Oman” – the e-government face of Oman – is a significant prospect, this paper aims to underscore the challenges of privacy concerns in…

“Can we borrow your phone? Employee privacy in the BYOD era”

William P. Smith

This paper aims to (a) summarize the legal and ethical foundations of privacy with connections to workplace emails and text messages, (b) describe trends and challenges related to…

Internet surveillance after Snowden: A critical empirical study of computer experts’ attitudes on commercial and state surveillance of the Internet and social media post-Edward Snowden

Christian Fuchs, Daniel Trottier

This paper aims to present results of a study that focused on the question of how computer and data experts think about Internet and social media surveillance after Edward…

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  • Dr Antonio Marturano