Journal of Health Organization and Management: Volume 22 Issue 5


Table of contents

Clinicians, market players or bureaucrats?: Changing expectations of the general practitioner role in the English and Welsh NHS, 1991‐2005

Stephen Abbott, Sue Procter, Nicci Iacovou

The purpose of this paper is to explore the variety of mechanisms applied since 1991 to engage English and Welsh general practitioners (GPs) in local health services planning and…


Outsourcing in public health: a case study of contract failure and its aftermath

Suzanne Young

Outsourcing has been used in Australia as part of the new public management agenda with the aim of increasing efficiency and decreasing costs. In the public health sector its use…


Innovative doctors in Germany: changes through communities of practice

Iris M. Bosa

The healthcare sector faces new financial and managerial accountability demands, along with their clinical accountability. Various studies show strong opposition by clinicians to…


Non‐price competition in NHS secondary care contracting: empirical results

Keith Gray, Mark F. Bailey

The purpose of this paper is, for English acute NHS hospitals, to investigate how they operate their governance systems in the area of secondary care contracting and identify the…


Identifying organizational culture and subcultures within Greek public hospitals

Victoria Bellou

Since organizational culture is undoubtedly critical in a highly competitive era, the purpose of this paper is to identify the core culture dimensions that exist within Greek…


The performativity of the service management discourse: “Value creating customers” in health care

Lars Nordgren

The formation and spreading of market‐, management‐ and individual‐rights discourses into society, as well as the movement of consumerism, have paved the way for a transformation…


Lekking displays in contemporary organizations: Ethologically oriented, evolutionary and cross‐species accounts of male dominance

Jeffrey Braithwaite

The purpose of this paper is to draw on scientific models in conceptualising the evolutionary bases of contemporary behaviours, and make cross‐species comparisons, to account for…

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